USE [ChangHong_612]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[st_MES_RptInspectShipment] Script Date: 10/10/2015 16:00:02 ******/

-- =============================================
-- Author: lxf
-- Create date: 2014.7.1
-- Description: 出货检验报表
-- st_MES_RptInspectShipment '2015-07-18 08:00','2015-07-18 18:50:50','8860500431K','',''
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[st_MES_RptInspectShipment]
@StartDate VARCHAR(19)='2015-06-26',
@EndDate VARCHAR(19)='2015-06-26',
@ItemNo varchar(50)='8807400380K',
@MachineNo varchar(50)='',
@CheckMan varchar(20)='',

@BillNO nvarchar(60)=''
declare @strSQL nvarchar(4000)
declare @allRecordSQL nvarchar(4000)
declare @strWhere nvarchar(4000)

IF object_id('tempdb..#InspecShipment') is not NULL drop table #InspecShipment
CREATE TABLE #InspecShipment
ID int ,
BillNO varchar(50),
MO varchar(20) ,
DispatchNo varchar(50),
DispatchPrior float,
ProcCode varchar(20),
StaCode varchar(10),
ItemNO varchar(50) ,
MachineNo varchar(20) ,
WorkMan varchar(2000) ,
CheckMan varchar(20) ,
CheckTime datetime ,
CheckReason varchar(200),
CheckType smallint ,
Remark varchar(200) ,
AbnormalNO varchar(50) ,
WeightSample int ,
OutSample int ,
InkSample int ,
SizeSample int ,
DeformSample int ,
ConfirmMan varchar(20) ,
ConfirmTime datetime ,
CreateMan nvarchar(200) ,
CreateTime datetime ,
UpdateMan nvarchar(200) ,
UpdateTime datetime,
CheckResult varchar(20),
ProductionTime datetime,
ProdBCCode varchar(20),
ProdNum int,
CustomerInformation varchar(200),
SamplingPlan varchar(200),
--InspectionMethods int,
ThemeColor varchar(50),
InspectionMethodDef int,
InspectionMethodSize int,
InspectionMethodPack int,
InspectionMethodVis int,
SamplingLevelPack varchar(10),
SamplingLevelVis varchar(10),
PackAQL varchar(50),
VisAQL varchar(50)
set @strWhere=''
set @strSQL='
select ID ,
BillNO ,
MO ,
DispatchNo ,
DispatchPrior ,
ProcCode ,
StaCode ,
ItemNO ,
MachineNo ,
WorkMan ,
CheckMan ,
CheckTime ,
CheckReason ,
CheckType ,
Remark ,
AbnormalNO ,
WeightSample ,
OutSample ,
InkSample ,
SizeSample ,
DeformSample ,
ConfirmMan ,
ConfirmTime ,
CreateMan ,
CreateTime ,
UpdateMan ,
InspectionMethodSize,InspectionMethodPack,InspectionMethodVis,SamplingLevelPack,SamplingLevelVis,PackAQL,VisAQL from MES_Inspect where checktype=6 '
--ProdNum,CustomerInformation,SamplingPlan,InspectionMethods,ThemeColor from MES_Inspect where checktype=6
set @strWhere=@strWhere+' and createTime between '''+@StartDate+''' and '''+@EndDate+''''
if @ItemNo<>''
set @strWhere=@strWhere+' and itemno like ''%'+@ItemNo+'%'''
if @MachineNo<>''
set @strWhere=@strWhere+' and machineno like ''%'+@MachineNo+'%'''
if @CheckMan<>''
set @strWhere=@strWhere+' and createMan like ''%'+@CheckMan+'%'''

if @BillNO<>''
set @strWhere=@strWhere+' and BillNO like ''%'+@BillNO+'%'''

print @strSQL+@strWhere
insert into #InspecShipment

declare @sql varchar(500)

select * from (
--select c.BillNO,c.AbnormalNo, c.SizeSample,case when c.InspectionMethods=0 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethods,case when c.InspectionMethods=1 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethods1,c.SamplingPlan,c.WeightSample,
select c.BillNO,c.AbnormalNo, c.SizeSample,c.DeformSample,
case when c.InspectionMethodDef=0 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodDef,case when c.InspectionMethodDef=1 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodDef1,
case when c.InspectionMethodSize=0 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodSize,case when c.InspectionMethodSize=1 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodSize1,
case when c.InspectionMethodPack=0 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodPack,case when c.InspectionMethodPack=1 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodPack1,
case when c.InspectionMethodVis=0 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodVis,case when c.InspectionMethodVis=1 then 'true' else 'false' end InspectionMethodVis1,
c.OutSample,ProductionTime=convert(varchar(10),c.ProductionTime,120),c.ProdNum,c.CustomerInformation,c.MachineNo,c.WorkMan,CheckMan=(select Name from sys_user u where u.usercode=c.CheckMan),c.CheckTime,c.CheckReason,c.ConfirmMan,c.SamplingLevelPack,c.SamplingLevelVis,c.PackAQL,c.VisAQL,
c.Remark,c.CreateTime, c.ItemNO,i.CustNO,i.ItemName,CreateMan=(select empNamecn from mes_employee u where u.empid=c.CreateMan),c.ThemeColor Color,i.Model, s.PerformanceTest1,s.PerformanceTest2,s.PerformanceTest3,s.PerformanceTest4,s.PerformanceTest5,s.PerformanceTest6
,case when g.LongDownDeformationValue1='' then '-' else g.LongDownDeformationValue1 end LongDownDeformationValue1,
case when g.LongDownDeformationValue2='' then '-' else g.LongDownDeformationValue2 end LongDownDeformationValue2,
case when g.LongDownDeformationValue3='' then '-' else g.LongDownDeformationValue3 end LongDownDeformationValue3,
case when g.LongDownDeformationValue4='' then '-' else g.LongDownDeformationValue4 end LongDownDeformationValue4,
case when g.LongDownDeformationValue5='' then '-' else g.LongDownDeformationValue5 end LongDownDeformationValue5
,case when g.LongDownGaugeValue1='' then '-' else g.LongDownGaugeValue1 end LongDownGaugeValue1,
case when g.LongDownGaugeValue2='' then '-' else g.LongDownGaugeValue2 end LongDownGaugeValue2,
case when g.LongDownGaugeValue3='' then '-' else g.LongDownGaugeValue3 end LongDownGaugeValue3,
case when g.LongDownGaugeValue4='' then '-' else g.LongDownGaugeValue4 end LongDownGaugeValue4,
case when g.LongDownGaugeValue5='' then '-' else g.LongDownGaugeValue5 end LongDownGaugeValue5,
case when g.LongMiddleDeformationValue1='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleDeformationValue1 end LongMiddleDeformationValue1,
case when g.LongMiddleDeformationValue2='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleDeformationValue2 end LongMiddleDeformationValue2,
case when g.LongMiddleDeformationValue3='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleDeformationValue3 end LongMiddleDeformationValue3,
case when g.LongMiddleDeformationValue4='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleDeformationValue4 end LongMiddleDeformationValue4,
case when g.LongMiddleDeformationValue5='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleDeformationValue5 end LongMiddleDeformationValue5
,case when g.LongMiddleGaugeValue1='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleGaugeValue1 end LongMiddleGaugeValue1,
case when g.LongMiddleGaugeValue2='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleGaugeValue2 end LongMiddleGaugeValue2,
case when g.LongMiddleGaugeValue3='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleGaugeValue3 end LongMiddleGaugeValue3,
case when g.LongMiddleGaugeValue4='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleGaugeValue4 end LongMiddleGaugeValue4,
case when g.LongMiddleGaugeValue5='' then '-' else g.LongMiddleGaugeValue5 end LongMiddleGaugeValue5
,case when g.LongUpDeformationValue1='' then '-' else g.LongUpDeformationValue1 end LongUpDeformationValue1,
case when g.LongUpDeformationValue2='' then '-' else g.LongUpDeformationValue2 end LongUpDeformationValue2,
case when g.LongUpDeformationValue3='' then '-' else g.LongUpDeformationValue3 end LongUpDeformationValue3,
case when g.LongUpDeformationValue4='' then '-' else g.LongUpDeformationValue4 end LongUpDeformationValue4,
case when g.LongUpDeformationValue5='' then '-' else g.LongUpDeformationValue5 end LongUpDeformationValue5
,case when g.LongUpGaugeValue1='' then '-' else g.LongUpGaugeValue1 end LongUpGaugeValue1,
case when g.LongUpGaugeValue2='' then '-' else g.LongUpGaugeValue2 end LongUpGaugeValue2,
case when g.LongUpGaugeValue3='' then '-' else g.LongUpGaugeValue3 end LongUpGaugeValue3,
case when g.LongUpGaugeValue4='' then '-' else g.LongUpGaugeValue4 end LongUpGaugeValue4,
case when g.LongUpGaugeValue5='' then '-' else g.LongUpGaugeValue5 end LongUpGaugeValue5
,case when g.WidthDownDeformationValue1='' then '-' else g.WidthDownDeformationValue1 end WidthDownDeformationValue1,
case when g.WidthDownDeformationValue2='' then '-' else g.WidthDownDeformationValue2 end WidthDownDeformationValue2,
case when g.WidthDownDeformationValue3='' then '-' else g.WidthDownDeformationValue3 end WidthDownDeformationValue3,
case when g.WidthDownDeformationValue4='' then '-' else g.WidthDownDeformationValue4 end WidthDownDeformationValue4,
case when g.WidthDownDeformationValue5='' then '-' else g.WidthDownDeformationValue5 end WidthDownDeformationValue5
,case when g.WidthDownGaugeValue1='' then '-' else g.WidthDownGaugeValue1 end WidthDownGaugeValue1,
case when g.WidthDownGaugeValue2='' then '-' else g.WidthDownGaugeValue2 end WidthDownGaugeValue2,
case when g.WidthDownGaugeValue3='' then '-' else g.WidthDownGaugeValue3 end WidthDownGaugeValue3,
case when g.WidthDownGaugeValue4='' then '-' else g.WidthDownGaugeValue4 end WidthDownGaugeValue4,
case when g.WidthDownGaugeValue5='' then '-' else g.WidthDownGaugeValue5 end WidthDownGaugeValue5
,case when g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue1='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue1 end WidthMiddleDeformationValue1,
case when g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue2='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue2 end WidthMiddleDeformationValue2,
case when g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue3='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue3 end WidthMiddleDeformationValue3,
case when g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue4='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue4 end WidthMiddleDeformationValue4,
case when g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue5='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue5 end WidthMiddleDeformationValue5
,case when g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue1='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue1 end WidthMiddleGaugeValue1,
case when g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue2='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue2 end WidthMiddleGaugeValue2,
case when g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue3='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue3 end WidthMiddleGaugeValue3,
case when g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue4='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue4 end WidthMiddleGaugeValue4,
case when g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue5='' then '-' else g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue5 end WidthMiddleGaugeValue5
,case when g.WidthUpDeformationValue1='' then '-' else g.WidthUpDeformationValue1 end WidthUpDeformationValue1,
case when g.WidthUpDeformationValue2='' then '-' else g.WidthUpDeformationValue2 end WidthUpDeformationValue2,
case when g.WidthUpDeformationValue3='' then '-' else g.WidthUpDeformationValue3 end WidthUpDeformationValue3,
case when g.WidthUpDeformationValue4='' then '-' else g.WidthUpDeformationValue4 end WidthUpDeformationValue4,
case when g.WidthUpDeformationValue5='' then '-' else g.WidthUpDeformationValue5 end WidthUpDeformationValue5
,case when g.WidthUpGaugeValue1='' then '-' else g.WidthUpGaugeValue1 end WidthUpGaugeValue1,
case when g.WidthUpGaugeValue2='' then '-' else g.WidthUpGaugeValue2 end WidthUpGaugeValue2,
case when g.WidthUpGaugeValue3='' then '-' else g.WidthUpGaugeValue3 end WidthUpGaugeValue3,
case when g.WidthUpGaugeValue4='' then '-' else g.WidthUpGaugeValue4 end WidthUpGaugeValue4,
case when g.WidthUpGaugeValue5='' then '-' else g.WidthUpGaugeValue5 end WidthUpGaugeValue5
,g.LongUpDeformationResult, g.LongMiddleDeformationResult , g.LongDownDeformationResult , g.WidthUpDeformationResult
, g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult , g.WidthDownDeformationResult
,g.LongUpGaugeResult , g.LongMiddleGaugeResult , g.LongDownGaugeResult , g.WidthUpGaugeResult
, g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult , g.WidthDownGaugeResult
,case when(s.PerformanceTest1='' and s.PerformanceTest2='' and s.PerformanceTest3='' and s.PerformanceTest4='' and s.PerformanceTest5=''
and s.PerformanceTest6='' and s.PerformanceTest7='' and s.PerformanceTest8='' and s.PerformanceTest9=''
and s.PerformanceTest10='' and s.PerformanceTest11='') then '-'
case when (isnull(s.PerformanceTest1,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest1='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest2,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest2='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest3,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest3='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest4,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest4='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest5,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest5='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest6,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest6='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest7,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest7='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest8,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest8='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest9,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest9='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest10,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest10='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest11,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest11='') then 'true' else 'false' end end PerformanceCheck
,case when(s.PerformanceTest1='' and s.PerformanceTest2='' and s.PerformanceTest3='' and s.PerformanceTest4='' and s.PerformanceTest5=''
and s.PerformanceTest6='' and s.PerformanceTest7='' and s.PerformanceTest8='' and s.PerformanceTest9='' and s.PerformanceTest10='' and s.PerformanceTest11='') then '-'
case when (isnull(s.PerformanceTest1,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest1='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest2,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest2='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest3,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest3='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest4,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest4='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest5,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest5='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest6,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest6='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest7,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest7='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest8,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest8='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest9,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest9='') and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest10,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest10='')
and (isnull(s.PerformanceTest11,'NG')='OK' or s.PerformanceTest11='') then 'false' else 'true' end end PerformanceCheckFalse
--,case when isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'NG')='OK' and isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'NG')='OK' and isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'NG')='OK' and isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'NG')='OK'
-- and isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'NG')='OK' and isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'NG')='OK' then 'OK' else 'NG' end DeformationResult
,DeformationResult= case when((g.LongUpDeformationResult is Null or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (g.LongMiddleDeformationResult is Null or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (g.LongDownDeformationResult is Null or g.LongDownDeformationResult='')
and (g.WidthUpDeformationResult is Null or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='')and (g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult is Null or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='')
and (g.WidthDownDeformationResult is Null or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='')) then '-'
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'true' else 'false' end
,DeformationResultFalse= case when((g.LongUpDeformationResult is Null or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (g.LongMiddleDeformationResult is Null or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (g.LongDownDeformationResult is Null or g.LongDownDeformationResult='')
and (g.WidthUpDeformationResult is Null or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='')and (g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult is Null or g.WidthMiddleDeformationResult='')
and (g.WidthDownDeformationResult is Null or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='')) then '-'
case when (isnull(g.LongUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownDeformationResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpDeformationResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownDeformationResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownDeformationResult='') then 'false' else 'true' end

,GaugeResult= case when((g.LongUpGaugeResult is Null or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (g.LongMiddleGaugeResult is Null or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (g.LongDownGaugeResult is Null or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (g.WidthUpGaugeResult is Null or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='')and (g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult is Null or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='')
and (g.WidthDownGaugeResult is Null or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='')) then '-'
case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') then 'true' else 'false' end
,GaugeResultFalse= case when((g.LongUpGaugeResult is Null or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (g.LongMiddleGaugeResult is Null or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (g.LongDownGaugeResult is Null or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (g.WidthUpGaugeResult is Null or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='')and (g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult is Null or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='')
and (g.WidthDownGaugeResult is Null or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='')) then '-'
case when (isnull(g.LongUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.LongDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.LongDownGaugeResult='')
and (isnull(g.WidthUpGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthUpGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeResult='') and (isnull(g.WidthDownGaugeResult,'OK')='OK' or g.WidthDownGaugeResult='') then 'false' else 'true' end

,PackResult=case when ((s.PackagingProjectFalse1='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse1='') and (s.PackagingProjectFalse2='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse2='') and
(s.PackagingProjectFalse3='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse3='') and (s.PackagingProjectFalse4='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse4='')) then 'true' else 'false' end

,PackResultFalse=case when ((s.PackagingProjectFalse1='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse1='') and (s.PackagingProjectFalse2='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse2='') and
(s.PackagingProjectFalse3='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse3='') and (s.PackagingProjectFalse4='false' or s.PackagingProjectFalse4='')) then 'false' else 'true' end

,VisResult=case when ((s.VisualInspectionFalse1='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse1='') and (s.VisualInspectionFalse2='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse2='') and
(s.VisualInspectionFalse3='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse3='') and (s.VisualInspectionFalse4='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse4='')
and (s.VisualInspectionFalse5='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse5='') and (s.VisualInspectionFalse6='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse6='')
--and (s.VisualInspectionFalse7='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse7='')) then 'true' else 'false' end
) then 'true' else 'false' end

,VisResultFalse=case when ((s.VisualInspectionFalse1='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse1='') and (s.VisualInspectionFalse2='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse2='') and
(s.VisualInspectionFalse3='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse3='') and (s.VisualInspectionFalse4='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse4='')
and (s.VisualInspectionFalse5='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse5='') and (s.VisualInspectionFalse6='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse6='')
--and (s.VisualInspectionFalse7='false' or s.VisualInspectionFalse7='')) then 'false' else 'true' end
) then 'false' else 'true' end
,case when long is not null and longUp is not null and (g.LongUpGaugeValue1!='' or g.LongUpGaugeValue2!='' or g.LongUpGaugeValue3!=''
or g.LongUpGaugeValue4!='' or g.LongUpGaugeValue5!='')
then '长:'+cast(long-cast(REPLACE(CAST(longdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10)) +'~'+cast(long+longup as varchar(10))
,case when long is not null and longUp is not null and (g.LongMiddleGaugeValue1!='' or g.LongMiddleGaugeValue2!='' or g.LongMiddleGaugeValue3!=''
or g.LongMiddleGaugeValue4!='' or g.LongMiddleGaugeValue5!='')
then '长:'+cast(long-cast(REPLACE(CAST(longdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10)) +'~'+cast(long+longup as varchar(10))
,case when long is not null and longUp is not null and (g.LongDownGaugeValue1!='' or g.LongDownGaugeValue2!='' or g.LongDownGaugeValue3!=''
or g.LongDownGaugeValue4!='' or g.LongDownGaugeValue5!='')
then '长:'+cast(long-cast(REPLACE(CAST(longdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10)) +'~'+cast(long+longup as varchar(10))
--,case when Downlong is not null and DownlongUp is not null
-- then '下长:'+cast(Downlong-cast(REPLACE(CAST(Downlongdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10)) +'~'+cast(Downlong+Downlongup as varchar(10))
-- end
-- LongDown
,case when width is not null and widthUp is not null and (g.WidthUpGaugeValue1!='' or g.WidthUpGaugeValue2!='' or g.WidthUpGaugeValue3!=''
or g.WidthUpGaugeValue4!='' or g.WidthUpGaugeValue5!='')
then '宽:'+cast(width-cast(REPLACE(CAST(widthdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(width+widthup as varchar(10))
,case when width is not null and widthUp is not null and (g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue1!='' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue2!='' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue3!=''
or g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue4!='' or g.WidthMiddleGaugeValue5!='')
then '宽:'+cast(width-cast(REPLACE(CAST(widthdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(width+widthup as varchar(10))
,case when width is not null and widthUp is not null and (g.WidthDownGaugeValue1!='' or g.WidthDownGaugeValue2!='' or g.WidthDownGaugeValue3!=''
or g.WidthDownGaugeValue4!='' or g.WidthDownGaugeValue5!='')
then '宽:'+cast(width-cast(REPLACE(CAST(widthdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(width+widthup as varchar(10))

,case when DfLong is not null and DfLongUp is not null and (g.LongUpDeformationValue1!='' or g.LongUpDeformationValue2!='' or g.LongUpDeformationValue3!=''
or g.LongUpDeformationValue4!='' or g.LongUpDeformationValue5!='')
then '长:'+cast(DfLong-cast(REPLACE(CAST(DfLongDown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(DfLong+DfLongup as varchar(10))
,case when DfLong is not null and DfLongUp is not null and (g.LongMiddleDeformationValue1!='' or g.LongMiddleDeformationValue2!='' or g.LongMiddleDeformationValue3!=''
or g.LongMiddleDeformationValue4!='' or g.LongMiddleDeformationValue5!='')
then '长:'+cast(DfLong-cast(REPLACE(CAST(DfLongDown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(DfLong+DfLongup as varchar(10))
,case when DfLong is not null and DfLongUp is not null and (g.LongDownDeformationValue1!='' or g.LongDownDeformationValue2!='' or g.LongDownDeformationValue3!=''
or g.LongDownDeformationValue4!='' or g.LongDownDeformationValue5!='')
then '长:'+cast(DfLong-cast(REPLACE(CAST(DfLongDown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(DfLong+DfLongup as varchar(10))

,case when Dfwidth is not null and DfWidthUp is not null and (g.WidthUpDeformationValue1!='' or g.WidthUpDeformationValue2!='' or g.WidthUpDeformationValue3!=''
or g.WidthUpDeformationValue4!='' or g.WidthUpDeformationValue5!='')
then '宽:'+cast(Dfwidth-cast(REPLACE(CAST(Dfwidthdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(Dfwidth+Dfwidthup as varchar(10))
,case when Dfwidth is not null and DfWidthUp is not null and (g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue1!='' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue2!='' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue3!=''
or g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue4!='' or g.WidthMiddleDeformationValue5!='')
then '宽:'+cast(Dfwidth-cast(REPLACE(CAST(Dfwidthdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(Dfwidth+Dfwidthup as varchar(10))
,case when Dfwidth is not null and DfWidthUp is not null and (g.WidthDownDeformationValue1!='' or g.WidthDownDeformationValue2!='' or g.WidthDownDeformationValue3!=''
or g.WidthDownDeformationValue4!='' or g.WidthDownDeformationValue5!='')
then '宽:'+cast(Dfwidth-cast(REPLACE(CAST(Dfwidthdown as varchar(10)),'-','') as float) as varchar(10))+'~'+cast(Dfwidth+Dfwidthup as varchar(10))

case CheckResult
when 'OK' then 'true'
else 'false'
case CheckResult
when 'NG'
then 'true'
else 'false'

from #InspecShipment c left join
(select billno,
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest1' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest2' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest3' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest4' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest5' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest5',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest6' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest6',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest7' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest7',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest8' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest8',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest9' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest9',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest10' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest10',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest11' THEN ItemValue END) AS 'PerformanceTest11',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest1Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest2Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest3Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest4' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest4Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest5' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest5Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest6' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest6Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest7' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest7Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest8' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest8Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest9' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest9Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest10' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest10Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest11' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PerformanceTest11Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest1' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest1Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest2' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest2Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest3' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest3Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest4' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest4Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest5' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest5Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest6' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest6Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest7' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest7Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest8' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest8Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest9' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest9Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest10' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest10Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceTest11' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PerformanceTest11Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceCheck' THEN case CheckResult when 'OK' then 1 else 0 end END) AS 'PerformanceCheck',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'SizeCheck' THEN case CheckResult when 'OK' then 1 else 0 end END) AS 'SizeCheck',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PerformanceCheck' THEN case CheckResult when 'NG' then 1 else 0 end END) AS 'PerformanceCheckFalse',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'SizeCheck' THEN case CheckResult when 'NG' then 1 else 0 end END) AS 'SizeCheckFalse',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject1' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProject1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject2' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProject2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject3' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProject3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject4' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProject4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject1' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProjectFalse1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject2' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProjectFalse2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject3' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProjectFalse3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject4' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'PackagingProjectFalse4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PackagingProject1Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PackagingProject2Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PackagingProject3Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject4' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'PackagingProject4Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject1' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PackagingProject1Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject2' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PackagingProject2Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject3' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PackagingProject3Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'PackagingProject4' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'PackagingProject4Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection1' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection2' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection3' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection4' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection5' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection5',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection6' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection6',
--max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection7' THEN case ItemValue when 'OK' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspection7',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection1' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse1',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection2' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse2',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection3' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse3',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection4' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse4',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection5' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse5',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection6' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse6',
--max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection7' THEN case ItemValue when 'NG' then 'true' else 'false' end END) AS 'VisualInspectionFalse7',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection1' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection1Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection2' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection2Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection3' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection3Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection4' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection4Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection5' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection5Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection6' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection6Qty',
--max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection7' THEN case when ItemValue='' then '/' else Convert(varchar(10),CHeckqty) end END) AS 'VisualInspection7Qty',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection1' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection1Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection2' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection2Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection3' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection3Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection4' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection4Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection5' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection5Remark',
max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection6' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection6Remark'
--max(CASE ItemCode WHEN 'VisualInspection7' THEN CheckResult end) AS 'VisualInspection7Remark'
from MES_InspectSingle group by billno)
on c.BillNO=s.BillNO
left join
(select billno,
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'LongUpGaugeValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'LongUpGaugeValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'LongUpGaugeValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'LongUpGaugeValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'LongUpGaugeValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'LongDownGaugeValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'LongDownGaugeValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'LongDownGaugeValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'LongDownGaugeValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'LongDownGaugeValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeValue5',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeValue1',

max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeValue5',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'LongUpDeformationValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'LongUpDeformationValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'LongUpDeformationValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'LongUpDeformationValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'LongUpDeformationValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'LongDownDeformationValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'LongDownDeformationValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'LongDownDeformationValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'LongDownDeformationValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'LongDownDeformationValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationValue5',

max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue1 END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationValue1',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue2 END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationValue2',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue3 END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationValue3',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue4 END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationValue4',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN GaugeValue5 END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationValue5',

--max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
--max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN isnull(CheckResult,'NG') END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult'
/*Update by zhuss 2014-09-25*/

max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'LongUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'LongMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'LongDownGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'WidthUpGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'WidthMiddleGaugeResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=3 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'WidthDownGaugeResult',

max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='上长' and Position='长' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'LongUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中长' and Position='长' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'LongMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='下长' and Position='长' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'LongDownDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='左宽' and Position='宽' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'WidthUpDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='中宽' and Position='宽' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'WidthMiddleDeformationResult',
max(CASE when ItemType=5 and ItemCode='右宽' and Position='宽' THEN CheckResult END) AS 'WidthDownDeformationResult'
from MES_InspectGauge group by billno)
on g.BillNO=c.BillNO
left join MES_Item i on c.ItemNO=i.itemno
left join V_DispatchOrder d on d.dispatchno=c.DispatchNo and c.DispatchPrior=d.DispatchPrior
left join MES_WorkOrder w on a order by createtime desc



  1. T-Sql(六)触发器(trigger)
  2. php学习笔记-基础篇
  3. [翻译]opengl扩展教程1
  4. 转载——用Mixer API函数调节控制面板的音频设置
  5. 用indexOf判断设备是否是PC端?
  6. Python深入03 对象的属性
  7. C# 多线程传参
  8. java substring和substr
  9. HDFS Block Replica Placement实现原理
  10. Z.Studio高级成衣定制(双井店)价格,地址(图)-北京-大众点评网
  12. 2018.5.8 python操纵sqlite数据库
  13. HTML prefetch 预加载无效的记录
  14. FineUIMvc v4.0.0 发布了,MVC控件库基础版免费!
  15. Flink--3种分区方式
  16. 在eclipse中,使用spring tool suite配置spring环境
  17. 使用github的srs代码,搭建 RTMP_Server
  18. Python学习杂记
  19. ipad webapp禁止长按选择
  20. ORACLE逐行累计求和方法(OVER函数)


  1. Test语言编译器V0.8
  2. C扩展Python
  3. make menuconfig 出错
  4. Spring AOP (上)
  5. gtid
  6. SqlServer获取两个日期时间差
  7. 【开发流程】土耳其CDD工具
  8. 如何利用WordPress创建自定义注册表单插件
  9. Codeforces Round #361 (Div. 2)
  10. 初学AngularJS