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> File Name: hdu1047.cpp
> Author: WArobot
> Blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/WArobot/
> Created Time: 2017年05月16日 星期二 21时16分38秒
************************************************************************/ #include<bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; #define cls(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) const int maxlen = 100000; // 单个“数字”最大长度
class HP{ // High Precision
int len , s[maxlen];
HP(){ (*this) = 0; }; HP(int inte){ (*this) = inte; }; HP(const char*str){ (*this) = str; };
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & cout , const HP &x); // 定义高精度输出方式
HP operator = (int inte); HP operator = (const char*str); // 定义高精度与高精度的 + - * / % Compare(比较)
HP operator + (const HP &b); HP operator - (const HP &b);
HP operator * (const HP &b); HP operator / (const HP &b);
HP operator % (const HP &b); int Compare(const HP &b);
ostream & operator <<(ostream & cout, const HP &x){
for(int i = x.len ; i >= 1 ; i--) cout<< x.s[i]; return cout;
HP HP::operator = (int inte){
if( inte == 0 ){ len = 1; s[1] = 0; return (*this); };
for( len = 0 ; inte > 0 ;) { s[++len] = inte % 10 ; inte /= 10; };
return (*this);
HP HP::operator = (const char* str){
len = strlen(str);
for(int i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++) s[i] = str[len - i] - '0'; // 需要注意
return (*this);
HP HP::operator * (const HP &b){
int i , j; HP c; c.len = len + b.len;
for( i = 1 ; i <= c.len ; i++) c.s[i] = 0; // 清空返回值的数组
for( i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++) for( j = 1 ; j <= b.len ; j++) c.s[i+j-1] += s[i]*b.s[j];
for( i = 1 ; i < c.len ; i++){ c.s[i+1] += c.s[i] / 10 ; c.s[i] %= 10; }
while( c.s[i] ){ c.s[i+1] = c.s[i]/10 ; c.s[i] %= 10; i++; }
while( i>1 && !c.s[i] ) i--; c.len = i;
return c;
HP HP::operator + (const HP &b){
int i; HP c; c.s[1] = 0;
for( i = 1 ; i<=len || i<=b.len || c.s[i] ; i++ ){ // 模拟十进制加法运算,写的好呀!写的好!巧妙!
if( i <= len ) c.s[i] += s[i];
if( i <= b.len ) c.s[i] += b.s[i];
c.s[i+1] = c.s[i]/10; c.s[i] %= 10;
c.len = i - 1 ; if( c.len == 0 ) c.len = 1;
return c;
HP HP::operator - (const HP &b){
int i,j; HP c;
for( i = 1, j = 0; i <= len ; i++){
c.s[i] = s[i] - j; if(i <= b.len) c.s[i] -= b.s[i];
if( c.s[i] < 0 ){ j = 1; c.s[i] += 10; }
else j = 0;
c.len = len; while( c.len > 1 && !c.s[c.len] ) c.len--;
return c;
int HP::Compare(const HP &y){
if( len > y.len ) return 1;
if( len < y.len ) return -1;
int i = len;
while( (i>1) && (s[i]==y.s[i]) ) i--;
return s[i] - y.s[i]; // 如果 s[i] == y.s[i] 自然返回0,s[i] > y.s[i]返回1.....很巧妙!
HP HP::operator / (const HP &b){
int i,j; HP d(0) , c;
for( i = len ; i > 0 ; i--){
if( !(d.len==1 && d.s[1]==0) )
{ for( j = d.len ; j > 0 ; j--) d.s[j+1] = d.s[j]; ++d.len; }
d.s[1] = s[i]; c.s[i] = 0;
while( j = d.Compare(b) >= 0 ){
d = d - b; c.s[i]++; if(j==0) break;
c.len = len ; while( (c.len>1) && (c.s[c.len]==0) ) c.len--;
return c;
HP HP::operator % (const HP &b){
int i,j; HP d(0);
for( i = len ; i > 0 ; i--){
if( !(d.len==1 && d.s[1]==0) )
{ for( j = d.len ; j > 0 ; j--) d.s[j+1] = d.s[j]; ++d.len; }
d.s[1] = s[i];
while( j = d.Compare(b) >= 0 ){
d = d - b; if(j==0) break;
return d;
int main(){
int t,kase = 0;
char s1[maxlen];
if(kase) puts("");
HP ans , tmp;
if( s1[0] == '0' ) break;
tmp = s1;
ans = ans + tmp;
cout<< ans <<endl;
return 0;


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