
// <4706.cpp> - 11/03/16 14:11:21
// This file is made by YJinpeng,created by XuYike's black technology automatically.
// Copyright (C) 2016 ChangJun High School, Inc.
// I don't know what this program is. #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main()
printf("a e\nbdf\nc g\n");
printf("h n\ni mo\njl p\nk q\n");
printf("r z\ns ya\nt x b\nuw c\nv d\n");
printf("e o\nf np\ng m q\nh l r\nik s\nj t\n");
printf("u g\nv fh\nw e i\nx d j\ny c k\nzb l\na m\n");
printf("n b\no ac\np z d\nq y e\nr x f\ns w g\ntv h\nu i\n");
printf("j z\nk ya\nl x b\nm w c\nn v d\no u e\np t f\nqs g\nr h\n");
printf("i a\nj zb\nk y c\nl x d\nm w e\nn v f\no u g\np t h\nqs i\nr j\n");
return 0;


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