
 %hook 用的最多,意思是钩住一个类。

 %hook SpringBoard
%end %new (v@:) 新建方法 v是返回值@代表参数名
- (void) alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex; %subclass:子类化一个类
如:%subclass Classname: Superclass <Protocol, Protocol> %group:分组
如:%group Groupname
%end %init:初始化分组和group相对应。 %ctor:构建一个初始化函数。 %log:打印系统日志,函数名参数值都能打印出来。 %orig:调用默认函数。

 Extension    Process order
.x will be processed by Logos, then preprocessed and compiled as objective-c.
.xm will be processed by Logos, then preprocessed and compiled as objective-c++.
.xi will be preprocessed as objective-c first, then Logos will process the result,
and then it will be compiled.
.xmi will be preprocessed as objective-c++ first, then Logos will process the result,
and then it will be compiled


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