From China Daily
Huawei technologies criticized recent registration imposed on the Chinese tech company and warned that there should not be a Berlin Wall in global digital world.
In recent day, restrictions, based on unfounded allegation, have been imposed on Huawei in order to disrupt our business operations. We believe this behavior is totally unjustified.
According to him, in Europe, approximately three-quarters of smartphone users rely on an Android-based phone. Huawei accounts roughly for 20 percent of this market.
Such reckless decisions can cause a great deal of harm to consumers and businesses in Europe.
His comments came after the US imposed a ban on Huawei's access to US technologies without special government approval earlier this month.
Later,Google said it had restricted Huawei from accessing updates for its Android operating system and some mobile apps.
This sets a dangerous precedent. It goes against the value of the international business community, cuts off the global supply chain and discrupts fair competition in the market. This could happen to any other industry and company in the future if we don't jointly confront these issues.
This reminded me of the fact that we don't want to see another wall and we do not go through another painful experience.
We need an integrated global ecosystem which can help us to promote faster technological innovation and stronger economic growth.
It is what we have to rely on in order to maintain prosperity for human society.
Huawei is facing a crackdown from the US government, which accuses it of posing a national security sick.


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