SoapUI Training :

Below are the details to access the online training videos for SoapUI.

Website:    (Click Member Login and click “Login to SOAPUI Account”)


Password:   Morningstar123

Follow these instructions:

1) Make sure java is installed on your machine.

The paid videos play in a high quality player called 'Network Recording
Player'. That player requires java to be present on the machine.

You can download and install java in 2 minutes from:

These videos play in a special player called ARF player by cisco webex.
Download and install ARF player from:

For Windows:
Paid videos play in a special player called CISCO ARF player. Download and
install arf
player from:
let me know once u have downloaded and installed

For Mac:

Note: Please make sure that the player is closed after installations

2) Watch this video on youtube
and follow instructions in it to play videos


  1. 用avalon实现一个完整的todomvc(带router)
  2. springmvc集成shiro登录失败处理
  3. Largest BST Subtree
  4. Javascript基础系列之(五)条件语句(比较操作符)
  5. C++中定义比较函数的三种方法
  6. Jenkins master在windows上安装
  7. android api 中文 (73)—— AdapterView
  8. ORACLE同义词总结
  9. eclipse项目中丢失的R包找回方法
  10. 排序sort,统计wc
  11. fuser命令使用心得
  12. javascript原型与原型链,prototype、__proto__、constructor
  13. Mesos源码分析(4) Mesos Master的启动之三
  14. RIPng 配置
  15. Light Probe Proxy Volume
  16. js关于弹也遮罩层
  17. php 设置模式 单元素模式(单例模式或单件模式)
  18. Date、String、Calendar相互转化
  19. ajax数据提交数据的三种方式和jquery的事件委托
  20. python全栈开发从入门到放弃之迭代器生成器


  1. maven自动导入包失败
  2. luogu P1476 休息中的小呆
  3. 前端模板Nunjucks简介
  4. ,java反射机制实现拦截器
  5. 【mac】显示隐藏文件夹
  6. [Node.js] Trigger a File Download in Express
  7. atitit. hb 原生sql跨数据库解决原理 获得hb 数据库类型执行期获得Dialect
  8. 1.shell编程之变量的高级用法
  9. nginx+play framework +mongoDB+redis +mysql+LBS实战总结
  10. vs2017 使用GitHub 推送到远程仓储