
// http请求类的接口
interface Proto {
// 连接url
function conn($url); //发送get查询
function get(); // 发送post查询
function post(); // 关闭连接
function close();
} class Http implements Proto { const CRLF = "\r\n"; protected $errno = -;
protected $errstr = '';
protected $response = ''; protected $url = null;
protected $version = 'HTTP/1.1';
protected $fh = null; protected $line = array();
protected $header = array();
protected $body = array(); public function __construct($url) {
$this->setHeader('Host: ' . $this->url['host']);
} // 此方法负责写请求行
protected function setLine($method) {
$this->line[] = $method . ' ' . $this->url['path'] . ' '. $this->version;
} // 此方法负责写头信息
protected function setHeader($headerline) {
$this->header[] = $headerline;
} // 此方法负责写主体信息
protected function setBody($body) {
$this->body[] = http_build_query($body);
} // 连接url
public function conn($url) {
$this->url = parse_url($url);
// 判断端口
if(!isset($this->url['port'])) {
$this->url['port'] = ;
} $this->fh = fsockopen($this->url['host'],$this->url['port'],$this->errno,$this->errstr,);
} //构造get请求的数据
public function get() {
return $this->response;
} // 构造post查询的数据
public function post($body = array()) {
$this->setLine('POST'); // 设计content-type
$this->setHeader('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); // 设计主体信息,比GET不一样的地方
$this->setBody($body); // 计算content-length
$this->setHeader('Content-length: ' . strlen($this->body[])); $this->request();
} // 真正请求
public function request() {
// 把请求行,头信息,实体信息 放在一个数组里,便于拼接
$req = array_merge($this->line,$this->header,array(''),$this->body,array(''));
//print_r($req); $req = implode(self::CRLF,$req);
//echo $req; exit; fwrite($this->fh,$req); while(!feof($this->fh)) {
$this->response .= fread($this->fh,);
} $this->close(); // 关闭连接
} // 关闭连接
public function close() {
} }


$url = 'http://xxxxx.net.cn/0523/?';

for($i=1;$i<100;$i++) {
$str = str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrst0776656');
$tit = substr($str,0,5);
$con = substr($str,6,8);

$http = new Http($url);

echo $tit,'-----------',$con,'<br />';




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