public List<LogisticsOrderType> getAllLogisticsOrderType() {
String sql = "from LogisticsOrderType t where t.status='A' and t.warehouseUsed=null";
return hibernateTemplate.find(sql + " order by t.id asc");
	List<LogisticsOrderType> olist = logisticsOrdersTypeService.getAllLogisticsOrderType();
List<LogisticsOrderType> nlist = new ArrayList<LogisticsOrderType>();
if (olist != null && olist.size() > 0) {
for (LogisticsOrderType logisticsOrderType : olist) {
if (logisticsOrderType.getTypeName() != null
&& (logisticsOrderType.getTypeCode().contains("bjfh01"))||(logisticsOrderType.getTypeCode().contains("bjfh02"))) {

怎么讲感觉写得是有点烦了,大概意思是是获得一个List 再筛选里面的item 再放入一个list中


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