ST算法(Sliding Window):A easy way to slove the substring problems

algorithm template to slove substring search problems


方法描述: 怎样实现滑动窗口

Generally speaking a sliding window is a sub-list that runs over an underlying collection. I.e., if you have an array like

[a b c d e f g h]

a sliding window of size 3 would run over it like

[a b c]
[b c d]
[c d e]
[d e f]
[e f g]
[f g h]

implement the template with java

public class Solution {
public List<Integer> slidingWindowTemplateByHarryChaoyangHe(String s, String t) {
//init a collection or int value to save the result according the question.
List<Integer> result = new LinkedList<>();
if(t.length()> s.length()) return result; //create a hashmap to save the Characters of the target substring.
//(K, V) = (Character, Frequence of the Characters)
Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for(char c : t.toCharArray()){
map.put(c, map.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
//maintain a counter to check whether match the target string.
int counter = map.size();//must be the map size, NOT the string size because the char may be duplicate. //Two Pointers: begin - left pointer of the window; end - right pointer of the window
int begin = 0, end = 0; //the length of the substring which match the target string.
int len = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //loop at the begining of the source string
while(end < s.length()){ char c = s.charAt(end);//get a character if( map.containsKey(c) ){
map.put(c, map.get(c)-1);// plus or minus one
if(map.get(c) == 0) counter--;//modify the counter according the requirement(different condition).
end++; //increase begin pointer to make it invalid/valid again
while(counter == 0 /* counter condition. different question may have different condition */){ char tempc = s.charAt(begin);//***be careful here: choose the char at begin pointer, NOT the end pointer
map.put(tempc, map.get(tempc) + 1);//plus or minus one
if(map.get(tempc) > 0) counter++;//modify the counter according the requirement(different condition).
} /* save / update(min/max) the result if find a target*/
// result collections or result int value begin++;
return result;


class Solution{
vector<int> slidingWindowTemplate(string s,string p){
// define a vector store the result position
vector<int> result;
// string not have anagram
return result;
map<char,int> hash_map;
// hash map string p
for(auto &c:p)
// use counter store the hash map size
int counter=map.size();
// define two pointer,point to the window boundary
int left=0,right=0;
// the substring length
int len=INT_MAX;
char c=s[right];
if (hash_map.contains(c)){
char temp_c=s[left];
return result; }


// 解决实际问题
class Solution {
vector<int> findAnagrams(string s, string p) {
vector<int> pv(26,0), sv(26,0), res;
if(s.size() < p.size())
return res;
// fill pv, vector of counters for pattern string and sv, vector of counters for the sliding window
for(int i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i)
if(pv == sv)
res.push_back(0); //here window is moving from left to right across the string.
//window size is p.size(), so s.size()-p.size() moves are made
for(int i = p.size(); i < s.size(); ++i)
// window extends one step to the right. counter for s[i] is incremented
++sv[s[i]-'a']; // since we added one element to the right,
// one element to the left should be forgotten.
//counter for s[i-p.size()] is decremented
--sv[s[i-p.size()]-'a']; // if after move to the right the anagram can be composed,
// add new position of window's left point to the result
if(pv == sv)
return res;


stackoverflow:what is sliding window algorithm

github:chaoyanghe silding window algortihm template


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