

Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++, the author of The C++ Programming Language, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, and The Design and Evolution of C++, and the consulting editor of Addison-Wesley's C++ In-Depth Series. Having previously worked at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs-Research, he currently is the College of Engineering Chair in Computer Science Professor at Texas A&M University. The recipient of numerous honors, including the Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award (2008), Dr. Stroustrup is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an AT&T Fellow, an AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, and an ACM Fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, simulation, design, programming techniques, software development tools, and programming languages, and he remains actively involved in the ANSI/ISO standardization of C++. Dr. Stroustrup holds an advanced degree from the University of Aarhus in his native Denmark and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cambridge University, England.


Preface to the Fourth Edition v

Preface to the Third Edition ix

Preface to the Second Edition xi

Preface to the First Edition xii

Part I: Introductory Material 1

Chapter 1: Notes to the Reader 3

Chapter 2: A Tour of C++: The Basics 37

Chapter 3: A Tour of C++: Abstraction Mechanisms 59

Chapter 4: A Tour of C++: Containers and Algorithms 87

Chapter 5: A Tour of C++: Concurrency and Utilities 111

Part II: Basic Facilities 133

Chapter 6: Types and Declarations 135

Chapter 7: Pointers, Arrays, and References 171

Chapter 8: Structures, Unions, and Enumerations 201

Chapter 9: Statements 225

Chapter 10: Expressions 241

Chapter 11: Select Operations 273

Chapter 12: Functions 305

Chapter 13: Exception Handling 343

Chapter 14: Namespaces 389

Chapter 15: Source Files and Programs 419

Part III: Abstraction Mechanisms 447

Chapter 16: Classes 449

Chapter 17: Construction, Cleanup, Copy, and Move 481

Chapter 18: Overloading 527

Chapter 19: Special Operators 549

Chapter 20: Derived Classes 577

Chapter 21: Class Hierarchies 613

Chapter 22: Run-Time Type Information 641

Chapter 23: Templates 665

Chapter 24: Generic Programming 699

Chapter 25: Specialization 721

Chapter 26: Instantiation 741

Chapter 27: Templates and Hierarchies 759

Chapter 28: Metaprogramming 779

Chapter 29: A Matrix Design 827

Part IV: The Standard Library 857

Chapter 30: Standard Library Summary 859

Chapter 31: STL Containers 885

Chapter 32: STL Algorithms 927

Chapter 33: STL Iterators 953

Chapter 34: Memory and Resources 973

Chapter 35: Utilities 1009

Chapter 36: Strings 1033

Chapter 37: Regular Expressions 1051

Chapter 38: I/O Streams 1073

Chapter 39: Locales 1109

Chapter 40: Numerics 1159

Chapter 41: Concurrency 1191

Chapter 42: Threads and Tasks 1209

Chapter 43: The C Standard Library 1253

Chapter 44: Compatibility 1267

Index 1281



  1. 在js中为图片的src赋值时,src的值不能在开头用 破浪号~
  2. easy_UI
  3. 转换一个矩阵(2维数组)为HTML Table
  4. iava多线程详解(2)-成员变量与局部变量访问
  5. KSImageNamed-Xcode-master 对项目中图片提供自动提示功能的插件
  6. WPF-21:WPF实现仿安卓的图案密码键盘(改进)
  7. Floor报错原理分析
  8. MySQL学习笔记(七)使用AutoMySQLBackup工具自动备份MySQL数据库
  9. 如何安装zsh,终极shell
  10. 【RL-TCPnet网络教程】第35章 FTP文件传输协议基础知识
  11. Django实战(一)-----用户登录与注册系统7(邮件确认)
  12. spring-boot-2.0.3启动源码篇二 - run方法(一)之SpringApplicationRunListener
  13. Windows 10正式版的历史版本
  14. Python基础(字符串和编码)
  15. cent os 6.5+ambari+HDP集群安装
  16. 【BZOJ】1975 [Sdoi2010]魔法猪学院(A*)
  17. (转)修改及查看mysql数据库的字符集
  18. 使用product_user_profile来实现用户权限的设定
  19. 学习动态性能表(5)--v$session
  20. PL/SQL 训练01--基础介绍


  1. jquery 标签页
  2. swagger-editor
  3. windows下,Qt Creator 中javascript调试器安装并使用
  4. Android零基础入门第8节:HelloWorld,我的第一趟旅程出发点
  5. 获取UWP配置文件中的版本信息
  6. delphi中最小化其他程序及所有程序最小化(使用 shell.minimizeAll 和自己寻找窗口这两种办法)
  7. 【Qt】一劳永逸解决UAC问题(修改mkspecs\win32-msvc2012\qmake.conf)
  8. MeeGo 设备运行全部 Android 应用程序?
  9. 网络基础与FTP准备
  10. vue-cli脚手架 ,过滤器,生命周期钩子函数