

var React = {

  // Modern

  Children: {
map: ReactChildren.map, //映射
forEach: ReactChildren.forEach,//遍历
count: ReactChildren.count, //个数
toArray: ReactChildren.toArray,//转换数组
only: onlyChild //显示子组件
}, Component: ReactComponent, //组件 createElement: createElement, //创建节点
cloneElement: cloneElement, //克隆节点
isValidElement: ReactElement.isValidElement, //验证节点 // Classic PropTypes: ReactPropTypes, //类型验证
createClass: ReactClass.createClass, //创建组件类
createFactory: createFactory, //创建工厂类
createMixin: function (mixin) { //创建视图扩展类
// Currently a noop. Will be used to validate and trace mixins.
return mixin;
}, // This looks DOM specific but these are actually isomorphic helpers
// since they are just generating DOM strings.
DOM: ReactDOMFactories, //节点文档 version: ReactVersion, //版本号 // Hook for JSX spread, don't use this for anything else.
__spread: assign



<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello React</title>
<script src="react/react.js"></script>
<script src="react/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="react/browser.min.js"></script>
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel"> const targetNode = document.getElementById("container"); //结构赋值,作用域本地化
const {Children, propTypes} = React;
const {render} = ReactDOM; //过滤函数,通过过滤将不符合条件的子组件去除,只会返回特定的子组件进行显示
const showChild = (children, child) => Children.toArray(children).filter(c => c.type === child)[]; //下面是无状态函数式组件,children为根组件的孩子组件数组 //差劲:子组件
const PoorChild = ({children}) => Children.only(children); //中等:子组件
const MediumChild = ({children}) => Children.only(children); //优秀:子组件
const GoodChild = ({children}) => Children.only(children); //展示:根组件,会根据分数显示对应的孩子组件
const Display = ({score, children}) => {
if (score>= && score < ) return showChild(children, PoorChild);
if (score >= && score < ) return showChild(children, MediumChild);
if (score >= && score <= ) return showChild(children, GoodChild);
}; //【0 , 60):差劲 [60 , 85):中等 [85 , 100]:优秀
const score = ; render(
<Display score={score}>
<h1>my score is poor!</h1>
<h1>my score is medium!</h1>
<h1>my score is good!</h1>
) </script>

可以看到三个子组件,只有优秀组件显示出来 :



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