distutils 实现对package 包的发布

import math

def showMsg(a):
return a * a * a a = 10
print('%d 的三次方是 %d' % (a, showMsg(a)))


1. 在同级目录下建立setup.py

# encoding=utf-8
from distutils.core import setup,Extension # 打包软件脚本文件必须采用 setup 名称
# 打包函数
name='package', # 安装包名
version='1.0', # 打包安装软件的版本号
author= 'feiquan123',
author_email= '2283320260@qq.com',
# maintainer="None", # 提供与包相关的其他维护者的名字
# maintainer_email="None", # 其他维护者的邮箱
url="", # 包相关网站主页的的访问地址
download_url="", # 下载安装包(zip , exe)的url
py_modules=['package'], # 设置打包模块,可以多个
# 对于C,C++,Java 等第三方扩展模块一起打包时,需要指定扩展名、扩展源码、以及任何编译/链接 要求(包括目录、链接库等)
ext_modules = [Extension('data',['data.c'])],

注意:如果你的setup.py  中包含中文字符,第一行的代码必须写

如何扩展和嵌入 Python 解释器 : https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/extending/index.html

2. 编写安装配置文件 setup.cfg

dist-dir = source

dist-dir : 指定发布源码的路径,默认 dist


Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more)

  setup.py build      will build the package underneath 'build/'
setup.py install will install the package Global options:
--verbose (-v) run verbosely (default)
--quiet (-q) run quietly (turns verbosity off)
--dry-run (-n) don't actually do anything
--help (-h) show detailed help message
--no-user-cfg ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory Options for 'sdist' command:
--template (-t) name of manifest template file [default: MANIFEST.in]
--manifest (-m) name of manifest file [default: MANIFEST]
--use-defaults include the default file set in the manifest
[default; disable with --no-defaults]
--no-defaults don't include the default file set
--prune specifically exclude files/directories that should
not be distributed (build tree, RCS/CVS dirs, etc.)
[default; disable with --no-prune]
--no-prune don't automatically exclude anything
--manifest-only (-o) just regenerate the manifest and then stop (implies
--force-manifest (-f) forcibly regenerate the manifest and carry on as
usual. Deprecated: now the manifest is always
--formats formats for source distribution (comma-separated
--keep-temp (-k) keep the distribution tree around after creating
archive file(s)
--dist-dir (-d) directory to put the source distribution archive(s)
in [default: dist]
--medata-check Ensure that all required elements of meta-data are
supplied. Warn if any missing. [default]
--owner (-u) Owner name used when creating a tar file [default:
current user]
--group (-g) Group name used when creating a tar file [default:
current group]
--help-formats list available distribution formats usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
or: setup.py --help-commands
or: setup.py cmd --help

setup.py --help sdist

3.  发布软件 (压缩包)

linux : python setup.py  sdist
windows : setup.py sdist
指定发布格式,同时生成两个压缩包: python setup.py  sdist --formats=gztar,zip
windows exe : python setup.py bdist_wininst


zip -> .zip
gztar -> .tar.gz
bztar -> .tar.bz2
ztar -> .tar.Z
tar -> .tar

4. 安装源码包,然后你就可以导入了

解压后cd 到解压目录
安装命令 python setup.py install
或者安装时保存安装日志: python setup.py install --record log

5. 安装后删除

1. 安装时记录日志 python setup.py install --record log
2. windows : for /F %i in (log) do del %i
linux : cat log | xagrs rm -rf

其中: log文件内容是安装目录:



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