* person class
class Person { /**
* person class -> function say
public static function say($i)
echo "hi-->";
//return "hi";
} }
class Dog{
public function say()
echo "wang !";

APO的主要思路 (__call魔术方法:调用一个没有的方法时执行)

interface Monitor{
public function __construct($class);
public function __call($name, $arguments);
} abstract class Event{
public abstract function before();
public abstract function after();
} class MonitorBase implements Monitor{
private $classes = null;
public function __construct($class){
$this->classes=$class; }
public function __call($name, $arguments){
echo "前置输出";
echo $name; call_user_func(array($this->classes,$name),$arguments);
echo "后置输出";

测试 :

$p = new MonitorBase(new Person());
$p->say("888",'666',array(1,2,3,65,4)); $d = new MonitorBase(new Dog());


最后:细心的读者可能注意到 抽象类Event 没有用到

这个其实可以让 Person 和Dog 继承然后重写 before()和after(),这样每一个类都有自己的前置和后置通知了...


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