The image collection that allows you to share images between controls within multiple forms.


The SharedImageCollection extends features of the ImageCollection with the capability to share images between controls within multiple forms.

The contents of all SharedImageCollections within the same project are synchronized.

You can drop a SharedImageCollection onto a form and add images to this collection.

You can then drop another SharedImageCollection(s) onto another form(s) and will get access to the same images within these forms.

Note:Images in SharedImageCollections within different forms are synchronized at design time only if the forms remain open.

Unlike the ImageCollection, the SharedImageCollection does not resize images (according to SharedImageCollection.ImageSource.ImageSize property) when they are added to the collection.

At runtime, to add images to the SharedImageCollection, use the ImageSource property, which is of the ImageCollection type.

At design time, you can load images from different sources using the component's smart tag menu.

For more information on image load options and how to use images from image collections in WinForms controls, see ImageCollection.

You can load images to the SharedImageCollection from project resources (The project must be built prior to loading images from resources).

Do not use this feature when you need to share images stored in one project's resources between two or more projects within a single solution.

To share images between multiple projects merged into a single solution, add these images to the SharedImageCollection directly by loading them from disk.

Alternatively, you can create a separate image library to store common images and use the Load Images from External Assembly approach described in the ImageCollection topic.


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