(N)IO Frameworks in Java – Thread.currentThread.join() https://www.ashishpaliwal.com/blog/2008/10/nio-frameworks-in-java/

(N)IO Frameworks in Java


In this post, I have tried to briefly capture list of available Java IO application frameworks. IO Frameworks reduces the development time by providing additional features over the bare-bone IO API's provided with Java.

Here is the definition I have used for the Framework

"An (N)IO Framework is a library, that provides easy to use API by shielding low level complexity of IO and provides rich and reusable API's to create robust and scalable Networking Applications".

A key point here is, only complexity is reduced, the power of low level API's is still available.

Have been using Apache MINA for a while, and found some similar and powerful frameworks. The idea is to share the result of searches. I don't intent to compare them on their performances or features. The text for the frameworks have been picked from the respective websites.

  • Apache MINA   - MINA (Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Applications) is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily.
  • xSockets - xSocket is a lightweight java nio-based server framework to build high performance, high scalable, multithreaded servers. It supports writing synchronous and asynchronous client-side applications as well as server-side applications in a very intuitive way
  • Grizzly - The Grizzly framework has been designed to help developers to take advantage of the Java™ NIO API. Grizzly goals is to help developers to build scalable and robust servers using NIO.
  • Netty - Netty is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP/IP socket server
There are a few others, have picked up the popular ones. 


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