1. 创建certificate request configuration file


[ req ]
default_bits =
default_keyfile = keystonekey.pem
default_md = default prompt = no
distinguished_name = Distiguished_name [ Distiguished_name ]
countryName = CN
stateOrProvinceName = BJ
localityName = Beijing
organizationName = example
organizationalUnitName = example
commonName = Keystone Signing
emailAddress = example@example.com


2. 生成私钥和CSR(Certificate Signing Request),注意私钥不能加密(-nodes选项),最终私钥为signing_key.pem, CSR为signing_cert_req.pem

$ openssl \
req -newkey rsa: -nodes\
-keyout signing_key.pem -keyform PEM \
-out signing_cert_req.pem -outform PEM \
-config cert_req.conf \

3. 将生成的CSR发给CA,请求我们的证书

4. 获取CA的证书,用于构建证书信任链


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