
1. 还没写完,写到新建文件夹了,下一步新建word,重命名,查找点拨,把点拨复制进去,因为要给点拨编号,应该会很麻烦

 Public Sub test1()
Dim path
Dim filename
Dim folders( To )
Dim i%, j%
i =
j =
' 1. 先获取所有的文件夹
path = ThisWorkbook.path & "\oriFolder\"
folders() = path
' 这里的folders数组和下面的classes数组只设置了100个长度,是为了调试方便,不然有时会出现大量空行,实际中可以增大。
' dir第二次无参数调用,返回的是同一个文件夹下的第二个文件!!
' filename = Dir(folders(i), vbDirectory)这里filename获取的首先是folders(1)路径下的文件夹"."
' dir找到第一个文件夹".",这时i=1,进入do循环,把oriFolder这一层的文件夹都dir出来(101和102),
' 找到一个文件夹就把j加1(最后j=3),把folders(i)修改为"."路径,101路径和102路径,里面的do until循环就做了这么个事
' do until做完之后,i要加1了,变成2,这时的filename = Dir(folders(i), vbDirectory),folders(2)就是do until循环里已经修改的101路径了,
' 继续do until循环,j目前=3,然后开始增加,目的是让folders(j)数组继续往后增加元素,等把101路径里所有文件夹路径添加进去之后,
' i变成3,再开始遍历102文件夹
' 如果101里面还有文件夹,就等把101和102都遍历完后,因为i每次只加1,而j是只要有一个文件夹就加1,
' 所以只要i没有到j的数量,就会一直遍历下去,把所有的子文件遍历出来
Do While i <= j
filename = Dir(folders(i), vbDirectory) ' filename="."
Do Until filename = ""
If InStr(filename, ".") = Then
j = j +
' 当i=1的时候,folders(j)中的1,2,3分别是",",101,102目录
folders(j) = folders(i) & filename & "\"
End If
filename = Dir
i = i +
' For p = 1 To UBound(folders)
' If folders(p) <> "" Then
' Debug.Print (folders(p))
' End If
' Next
' 2. 从每个文件夹里获取所有课,存入一个数组
Dim classes( To )
Dim class
Dim p
Dim q
p =
q = For p = To UBound(folders)
If folders(p) <> "" Then
class = Dir(folders(p) & "*.*")
Do Until class = ""
classes(q) = folders(p) & class
q = q +
class = Dir
End If
Next '3. 在desFolder里新建文件夹,生成点拨rtf
Dim path2
'先来一套正则相关的dim as
Dim reg As RegExp
Dim myMatches As MatchCollection
Dim myMatch As match
Dim books( To )
Dim bNum
Dim m
Dim n
n =
m =
bNum =
'再来一套操作word的dim as
Dim wordApp As Word.Application
Set wordApp = New Word.Application
path2 = ThisWorkbook.path & "\desFolder\"
Set reg = New RegExp
filename2 = Dir(path, vbDirectory)
Do Until filename2 = ""
If InStr(filename2, ".") = Then
books(bNum) = filename2
bNum = bNum +
End If
filename2 = Dir
For m = To UBound(books)
' books(m)不为空,并且文件夹不存在,就新建文件夹
If books(m) <> "" And Dir(path2 & books(m), vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir (path2 & books(m))
' 新建word,命名为“01_《繁星》_DianBo.doc”
' 打开每课,查找点拨,复制到word中,格式为1-1-2-1-1【点拨】,第1单元-第1课-2复习-1课堂回顾-第1个点拨 For n = To UBound(classes)
If classes(n) <> "" Then
wordApp.Documents.Open (classes(n)) End If
End If
'For x = 1 To UBound(classes)
' If classes(x) <> "" Then
' reg.Global = True '全局匹配
' reg.IgnoreCase = True '忽略大小写
' reg.Pattern = "(,*)?101_.*" '正则表达式
' Set myMatches = reg.Execute(classes(x)) '匹配到的结果返回到myMatches集合
' For Each myMatch In myMatches '遍历myMatches集合
' If myMatch <> "" Then
' Debug.Print (classes(x))
' End If
' Next
' End If
'Next End Sub


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