We are who we choose to be.


From Barry Manilow.

I believe that we are who we choose to be.

Nobody is going to come and save us, we have got to save ourselves.

Nobody is going to give us anything, we have got to go out and fight for it.

Nobody knows what we want except ourselves, and nobody will be as sorry as ourselves if we don't get it.

Just take actions to change.

Ultimately, if we want to define ourselves, it is not about who defined us first, it is about what we did after that.

How can us make ourselves? It all starts with the man in the mirror and what we make of him.

Never give up on ourselves, we are strong, we are who we choose to be.

Love is a light that never dims.


Be sure to take care of those lights inside us, like love, motivation, desire, etc.

And don't let anyone or anything, particularly ourselves, dim those inner lights.

Because the more lights we allow within us, the brighter the world we live in will be.

Everyone is born with an inner light. And some of us can hold on to ti but others lose it and have to work extremely hard to get it back.

My road back to my light has been painful, scary, exciting, and fulfilling.

I wouldn't change any of it. I am a stronger man because of it and for that I am eternally grateful.

Ok, let's figure out what the underlying mechanisms that gurantee safety communications in vehicles.


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