定义:Grep (Globally search for the reqular expression and print out the line).

好处:Grep 在执行时不需要先调用编辑程序,同时不需要以“//” 来括起规则表达式,所以比vi等快很多。

格式:grep pattern filename1 filename2 .....

术语:pattern, 字符串样式,多被单引号‘ ’包围。

原理:Grep 在文件里查找规则表达式,并打印包含该表达式的所有行。

Practice script

echo 'here is a grep script'
echo '======= print the content of employees'
cat employees
#search line including eric
grep eric employees echo '======= grep option practice'
#show line and line number
grep -n '^er' employees
#print bash return, ,,
echo $?
#print line number only
grep -c '^er' employees
#print filename only
grep -l '^er' employees awkfile
#display matching word file and line
grep -w tokoyo employees awkfile
#ignore capital
grep -i tOKoyo employees awkfile
#print unmatch line
grep -v tokoyo employees
#mark module number
grep -b tokoyo employees
#print error only
grep -s tokoyo employees #regular expression practice
echo '======= regular expression practice'
grep frank emp*
grep '^green' employees
grep '12$' employees
grep '939..' employees
grep '^[ej]' employees
grep '^j..[nk]' employees
grep '\<mar.*' employees
grep '\<mar.*12' employees
grep -vin 'ic' employees
grep -l 'ic' employe*

Output of the script

# ./grep.sh
here is a grep script
======= print the content of employees
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
frank tokoyo
green england
eric beijing
======= grep option practice
:eric beijing employees
employees:frank tokoyo
employees:frank tokoyo
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
green england
:frank tokoyo
frank tokoyo
======= regular expression practice
frank tokoyo
green england
mark henan
mark henan
eric beijing
john xian
john xian
mark henan
mark henan
:john xian
:mark henan
:frank tokoyo
:green england



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