int   a;
int *p;
p = &a;
*p = 0x100; //a=0x100 p = (int *)0x56000050;
*p =0x100;
*( ( int * ) 0x56000050) = 0x100


#define GPBCON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000010)
#define GPBDAT (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000014)

#define GPB5_out (1<<(5*2))
#define GPB6_out (1<<(6*2))
#define GPB7_out (1<<(7*2))
#define GPB8_out (1<<(8*2))

GPBCON = GPB5_out | GPB6_out | GPB7_out | GPB8_out;


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