










using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class TouchTest : MonoBehaviour { // Subscribe to events
void OnEnable(){
EasyTouch.On_TouchStart += On_MyTouchStart;//启动On_TouchStart监听,也就是手指接触屏幕,就会触发On_MyTouchStart的方法执行
// Unsubscribe
void OnDisable(){
EasyTouch.On_TouchStart -= On_MyTouchStart;//去除监听
// Unsubscribe
void OnDestroy(){
EasyTouch.On_TouchStart -= On_MyTouchStart;//去除监听
// Touch start event
public void On_MyTouchStart(Gesture gesture){
Debug.Log( "Touch in " + gesture.position);//打印触摸到屏幕的坐标Vector2




On_Cancel( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when The system cancelled tracking for the touch, as when (for example) the user puts the device to her face.
On_Cancel2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when the touch count is no longer egal to 2 and different to 0, after the begining of a two fingers gesture.
On_TouchStart( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger touched the screen.
On_TouchDown( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the touch is active.
On_TouchUp( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger was lifted from the screen.
On_SimpleTap( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger was lifted from the screen, and the time elapsed since the beginning of the touch is less than
the time required for the detection of a long tap.
On_DoubleTap( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when the number of taps is egal to 2 in a short time.
On_LongTapStart( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger is touching the screen, but hasn’t moved since the time required for the detection of a long tap.
On_LongTap( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the touch is active after a LongTapStart
On_LongTapEnd( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger was lifted from the screen, and the time elapsed since the beginning of the touch is more than
the time required for the detection of a long tap.
On_DragStart( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a drag start. A drag is a swipe on a pickable object
On_Drag( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the drag is active.
On_DragEnd( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger that raise the drag event , is lifted from the screen.
On_SwipeStart( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when swipe start.
On_Swipe( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the swipe is active.
On_SwipeEnd( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a finger that raise the swipe event , is lifted from the screen.
On_TouchStart2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_TouchStart but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_TouchDown2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_TouchDown but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_TouchUp2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_TouchUp but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_SimpleTap2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_SimpleTap but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_DoubleTap2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_DoubleTap but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_LongTapStart2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_LongTapStart but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_LongTap2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_LongTap but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_LongTapEnd2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_LongTapEnd but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_Twist( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when a twist gesture start
On_TwistEnd( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the twist gesture is active.
On_PinchIn( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the twist in gesture is active.
On_PinchOut( Gesture gesture)
Occurs as the pinch out gesture is active.
On_PinchEnd( Gesture gesture)
Occurs when the 2 fingers that raise the pinch event , are lifted from the screen.
On_DragStart2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_DragStart but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_Drag2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_Drag but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_DragEnd2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_DragEnd2Fingers but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_SwipeStart2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_SwipeStart but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_Swipe2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_Swipe but for a 2 fingers gesture.
On_SwipeEnd2Fingers( Gesture gesture)
Like On_SwipeEnd but for a 2 fingers gesture.



Enable EasyTouch------->是否启用easytouch,否则所有的触屏效果消失。

Enable unity remote-------->是否启用Unity Remote,这个是啥东西呢,他是Unity开发移动游戏的辅助工具,就是在你的手机上安装这个app或apk,然后通过

数据线连接到你的电脑上,当你的unity要build 发布的时候,他就会自动在你的手机上测试,不用再build完之后把apk发到手机上测试。


Broadcast Messages-------------------->是否启动Unity里面的SendMessage的机制,不熟悉这个的童鞋自己研究,其实也蛮好理解的。


getMessage(string str)
print("receive message:"+str);//打印收到的消息


string s = "send message";



Ohter Receiver------------------>赋值一个object,允许你直接把消息发送到这个object上。

Joysticks & buttons--------------->是否启动Joysticks(虚拟遥控)(这个我们的以后再研究 )& buttons(按钮)

Enable NGUI compatibility---------------------->是否兼容NGUI插件,如果启动的话,我们选择NGUI的Camera和NGUI界面所在的Layer层级。注意了,一定要选择好NGUI的Camera和层级。




Enable auto-select------------->是否启用自动选择物体。

Pickable Layers------------------>就是设置可以选择物体的层级。

	// Touch start event
public void On_MyTouchStart(Gesture gesture){
Debug.Log( "Touch in " + gesture.position);//打印触摸到屏幕的坐标Vector2
if (gesture.pickObject == gameObject)//如果选择的物体是脚本上的这个物体的话,就打印他的名字

然后我们新建一个Cube,将脚本赋给它,然后设置Pickable Layers为Cube的Layer,运行点击Cube

Stationnary tolerance--------------------->静止的距离。这个是什么意思呢?当我们手指接触到屏幕,然后滑动一定的距离,那么这个距离 >= Stationnary tolerance的时候才会触发事件,注意啦,这里的事件就指的是滑动啦,拖动啦这些,单击什么的一律不管。

Long tap time-------------------->这个是长点击所需要的时间,也就是说超过这个时间,长点击的事件才会触发。

Swipe tolerance--------------->这个是滑动的精确度,介于0-1之间,0表示不精确,1表示非常精确。



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