Fear is an essential part of our survival, it keeps us alert.


Fear and pain are both the essential part of our survival. If a child can't feel pain, then his or her life would be full of danger, as we know in many stories, one can't feel pain would die from badly hurts.

And fearness can make us know what is dangerous, and what should we do to avoid or combat against those fearful things.

However, everything that goes too far may be as bad as things that don't go far enough.

Excess fearness and pains can make us feel hopeless and helpless, and we may choose to escape from the reality or even choose to commit suicide under the heavy pressures brought by fearness and pains.

So, the best way is to keep a balance in life.

You will never be alone if you have got a book.


I feel lonely even if I have got a considerable amout of books.

It is far from enough if we only learn experience and knowledge from books, there are more we have to learn and experience in the reality.

Remember that large amounts of practices are the same important as reading large amounts of books, most often practices may be much more important.

Ok, now that we can learn a lot from books, we can also learn a considerable amout of things from other's experience, such as the topic we discussed about yesterday:

Some features you can use to identify a rubbish man if you are a girl, if you are a boy, you can avoid these behaviours, and you will find that helps when you are making friends with girls.

(Part Two)

7. You never get anything you want. 

When you go to a restaurant, your boyfriend doesn't order for you. When the two of you are watching TV together, you are always viewing his favorite show.

8. He pressures you. 

When he wants to do something, he wants to do it now. He doesn't care about your concerns or reactions to the situation.

9. He only thinks about himslef.

Everything that comes out of your boyfriend's mouth begins with 'I', he is noly worried about his own well-being.


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