



public class InvoiceAppService : ApplicationService
// 缓存管理器
private readonly ICacheManager _cacheManager;
// 仓储
private readonly IRepository<Invoice> _rep; public TestAppService(ICacheManager cacheMgr, IRepository<Invoice> rep)
_cacheManager;= cacheMgr;
_rep = rep;
} public void ChanelInvoice()
// 获取缓存
var cache = _cacheManager.GetCache("cache1");
// 转换强类型缓存
var typedCache = cache.AsTyped<int, string>();
// 获取缓存的值,存在则直接从缓存中取,不存在则按照你给定的方式取出值,然后添加进缓存中
// 这里是利用仓储从数据库中取出
var cacheValue = typedCache.Get(10, id => _rep.Get(id).Name);

Abp中的缓存可以看作一个大衣柜,里面有许多方格, 我们第一步 _cacheManager.GetCache得到的就是一个方格,里面有许多的value,value就是我们缓存的值.

在说的详细点,缓存分类里有user user里面有user1,user2... ,分类里还有invoice, invoice里面有invoice1,invoice2




public interface ICacheManager : IDisposable
// 获取所有缓存
IReadOnlyList<ICache> GetAllCaches();
// 根据名称取出缓存
[NotNull] ICache GetCache([NotNull] string name);


public abstract class CacheManagerBase : ICacheManager, ISingletonDependency
// ioc管理器
protected readonly IIocManager IocManager;
// 缓存配置器
protected readonly ICachingConfiguration Configuration;
// 存放缓存的字典
protected readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICache> Caches; // Constructor.
protected CacheManagerBase(IIocManager iocManager, ICachingConfiguration configuration)
IocManager = iocManager;
Configuration = configuration;
Caches = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICache>();
// 获取所有缓存
public IReadOnlyList<ICache> GetAllCaches()
return Caches.Values.ToImmutableList();// 转换成不可变集合
// 根据名称获取缓存 ICache
public virtual ICache GetCache(string name)
{ // 空值检测
Check.NotNull(name, nameof(name));
// 如果已经存在,则直接取出.
// 不存在则创建一个.
return Caches.GetOrAdd(name, (cacheName) =>
{ // 具体创建缓存的方法。该方法由具体的实现类,实现.
var cache = CreateCacheImplementation(cacheName);
// 获取缓存配置项 (c => c.CacheName == null 这是所有缓存的设置,后面会有说到)
var configurators = Configuration.Configurators.Where(c => c.CacheName == null || c.CacheName == cacheName);
// 为缓存设置 配置项中的配置(时间等..)
foreach (var configurator in configurators)
} return cache;
// 释放
public virtual void Dispose()
// 调用ioc管理器依次释放
protected virtual void DisposeCaches()
foreach (var cache in Caches)
// 实际创建缓存的方法.由子类实现.(可能是redis,或者memcache等)
protected abstract ICache CreateCacheImplementation(string name);



public class AbpMemoryCacheManager : CacheManagerBase
{ // 日志
public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
// ctor
public AbpMemoryCacheManager(IIocManager iocManager, ICachingConfiguration configuration)
: base(iocManager, configuration)
Logger = NullLogger.Instance;
// 重写CacheManagerBase的CreateCacheImplementation方法,创建AbpMemoryCache
protected override ICache CreateCacheImplementation(string name)
return new AbpMemoryCache(name)
Logger = Logger
// 释放
protected override void DisposeCaches()
foreach (var cache in Caches.Values)


public class AbpMemoryCache : CacheBase
private MemoryCache _memoryCache;
// ctor
public AbpMemoryCache(string name)
: base(name)
_memoryCache = new MemoryCache(new OptionsWrapper<MemoryCacheOptions>(new MemoryCacheOptions()));
// 根据key获取值
public override object GetOrDefault(string key)
return _memoryCache.Get(key);
// 设置key和值
public override void Set(string key, object value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null)
if (value == null)
throw new AbpException("Can not insert null values to the cache!");
} if (absoluteExpireTime != null)
_memoryCache.Set(key, value, DateTimeOffset.Now.Add(absoluteExpireTime.Value));
else if (slidingExpireTime != null)
_memoryCache.Set(key, value, slidingExpireTime.Value);
else if (DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime != null)
_memoryCache.Set(key, value, DateTimeOffset.Now.Add(DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime.Value));
_memoryCache.Set(key, value, DefaultSlidingExpireTime);
// 根据key移除
public override void Remove(string key)
// 清空
public override void Clear()
_memoryCache = new MemoryCache(new OptionsWrapper<MemoryCacheOptions>(new MemoryCacheOptions()));
// 释放
public override void Dispose()



public class AbpRedisCacheManager : CacheManagerBase
public AbpRedisCacheManager(IIocManager iocManager, ICachingConfiguration configuration)
: base(iocManager, configuration)
{ // 瞬时注册AbpRedisCache
// 实现基类的CreateCacheImplementation方法 创建缓存
protected override ICache CreateCacheImplementation(string name)
{ // 从ioc容器中获取,这里需要name作为参数(如果你对ioc容器创建对象这个过程了解的话,就知道我说的是什么)
return IocManager.Resolve<AbpRedisCache>(new { name });




public interface ICache : IDisposable
// 缓存名字(唯一的)
string Name { get; }
// 滑动过期时间,默认 1h 可以通过configuration设置
TimeSpan DefaultSlidingExpireTime { get; set; }
// 绝对过期时间 默认是null.
TimeSpan? DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime { get; set; }
// 获取缓存数据,不存在则执行 Func 委托
object Get(string key, Func<string, object> factory);
// 上面方法做了批量处理
object[] Get(string[] keys, Func<string, object> factory);
// 异步获取
Task<object> GetAsync(string key, Func<string, Task<object>> factory);
// 同上
Task<object[]> GetAsync(string[] keys, Func<string, Task<object>> factory); // 获取缓存数据,没有的话为null
object GetOrDefault(string key);
// 批量
object[] GetOrDefault(string[] keys);
// 异步处理
Task<object> GetOrDefaultAsync(string key);
Task<object[]> GetOrDefaultAsync(string[] keys);
// 设置缓存
void Set(string key, object value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null);
void Set(KeyValuePair<string, object>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null);
// 异步处理
Task SetAsync(string key, object value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null);
Task SetAsync(KeyValuePair<string, object>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null);
// 根据key移除缓存
void Remove(string key);
void Remove(string[] keys);
Task RemoveAsync(string key);
Task RemoveAsync(string[] keys);
// 清除该缓存下的所有数据
void Clear();
Task ClearAsync();



public static class CacheExtensions
// 其他代码 // 转换强类型缓存
public static ITypedCache<TKey, TValue> AsTyped<TKey, TValue>(this ICache cache)
return new TypedCacheWrapper<TKey, TValue>(cache);
} // 其他代码

通过ICache转换成强类型缓存,那么我们的缓存的值 也是强类型的了,不需要在手动强转了


public class TypedCacheWrapper<TKey, TValue> : ITypedCache<TKey, TValue>
// 具体调用AsTyped这个静态方法的Icache对象
public ICache InternalCache { get; private set; }
public TypedCacheWrapper(ICache internalCache)
InternalCache = internalCache;
// 缓存名字
public string Name
get { return InternalCache.Name; }
// 滑动过期时间
public TimeSpan DefaultSlidingExpireTime
get { return InternalCache.DefaultSlidingExpireTime; }
set { InternalCache.DefaultSlidingExpireTime = value; }
// 绝对过期时间
public TimeSpan? DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime
get { return InternalCache.DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime; }
set { InternalCache.DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime = value; }
// 释放
public void Dispose()
// 清空
public void Clear()
} public Task ClearAsync()
return InternalCache.ClearAsync();
// 取 删 。。。。 其实调用的还是ICache的扩展方法
// return (TValue)cache.Get(key.ToString(), (k) => (object)factory(key));
// 最后还是做了强转
public TValue Get(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> factory)
return InternalCache.Get(key, factory);
} public TValue[] Get(TKey[] keys, Func<TKey, TValue> factory)
return InternalCache.Get(keys, factory);
} public Task<TValue> GetAsync(TKey key, Func<TKey, Task<TValue>> factory)
return InternalCache.GetAsync(key, factory);
} public Task<TValue[]> GetAsync(TKey[] keys, Func<TKey, Task<TValue>> factory)
return InternalCache.GetAsync(keys, factory);
} public TValue GetOrDefault(TKey key)
return InternalCache.GetOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(key);
} public TValue[] GetOrDefault(TKey[] keys)
return InternalCache.GetOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(keys);
} public Task<TValue> GetOrDefaultAsync(TKey key)
return InternalCache.GetOrDefaultAsync<TKey, TValue>(key);
} public Task<TValue[]> GetOrDefaultAsync(TKey[] keys)
return InternalCache.GetOrDefaultAsync<TKey, TValue>(keys);
} public void Set(TKey key, TValue value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null)
InternalCache.Set(key.ToString(), value, slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime);
} public void Set(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null)
var stringPairs = pairs.Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, object>(p.Key.ToString(), p.Value));
InternalCache.Set(stringPairs.ToArray(), slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime);
} public Task SetAsync(TKey key, TValue value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null)
return InternalCache.SetAsync(key.ToString(), value, slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime);
} public Task SetAsync(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null)
var stringPairs = pairs.Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, object>(p.Key.ToString(), p.Value));
return InternalCache.SetAsync(stringPairs.ToArray(), slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime);
} public void Remove(TKey key)
} public void Remove(TKey[] keys)
InternalCache.Remove(keys.Select(key => key.ToString()).ToArray());
} public Task RemoveAsync(TKey key)
return InternalCache.RemoveAsync(key.ToString());
} public Task RemoveAsync(TKey[] keys)
return InternalCache.RemoveAsync(keys.Select(key => key.ToString()).ToArray());



public virtual void Initialize()
IocManager.IocContainer.Install(new AbpCoreInstaller());
internal class AbpCoreInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
// 其他配置组建(略)..
Component.For<ICachingConfiguration, CachingConfiguration>().ImplementedBy<CachingConfiguration>().LifestyleSingleton()


public override void PreInitialize()
Configuration.Caching.ConfigureAll(z=>z.DefaultSlidingExpireTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(1));


internal class CachingConfiguration : ICachingConfiguration
public IAbpStartupConfiguration AbpConfiguration { get; private set; }
// 缓存配置器集合
private readonly List<ICacheConfigurator> _configurators;
public IReadOnlyList<ICacheConfigurator> Configurators
get { return _configurators.ToImmutableList(); }
// ctor
public CachingConfiguration(IAbpStartupConfiguration abpConfiguration)
AbpConfiguration = abpConfiguration;
_configurators = new List<ICacheConfigurator>();
// 为所有缓存设置 一些配置.
public void ConfigureAll(Action<ICache> initAction)
_configurators.Add(new CacheConfigurator(initAction));
// 为指定名称的缓存 设置一些配置。
public void Configure(string cacheName, Action<ICache> initAction)
_configurators.Add(new CacheConfigurator(cacheName, initAction));
internal class CacheConfigurator : ICacheConfigurator
// 缓存名字
public string CacheName { get; private set; }
// 执行的配置操作
public Action<ICache> InitAction { get; private set; } public CacheConfigurator(Action<ICache> initAction)
InitAction = initAction;
public CacheConfigurator(string cacheName, Action<ICache> initAction)
CacheName = cacheName;
InitAction = initAction;


根据ConfigureAll和Configure方法可以看出,你在初始化的时候,ConfigureAll是会初始化一个cacheName=null的 CacheConfigurator



获取所有缓存都要的配置 以及 指定缓存 自己的配置

var configurators = Configuration.Configurators.Where(c => c.CacheName == null || c.CacheName == cacheName);




桥接模式:ICacheManager,ICache 独立变化Manager和Cache,使Manager和Cache可以独自扩展


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