What made something precious? Losing it and finding it.


A short time ago, I read a quote from Romain Rolland, it goes as following:

Most of us die at our twenties or thirties.

Thereafter we are only reflections of ourselves, for the rest of our lives we are just aping ourselves, repeating from day to day, more and more mechanically and affectedly what we said and did and thought and loved when we were still alive.

And I suddenly realized that this quote is talking about me.

Is this the life that I want? Is this even life?

That would be so horrible to me, I can't live like this.

And that's why I started to learn some new skills and chose to challenge something I haven't achieved before.

I don't want to die when I am thirty.

Life is only worth living when there are new things to explore.

Come on, guys, let's create the future belongs to us.

Better shun the bait, than struggle in the snare.


From Jonh Dryden.

Better to finish one thing than to start thousands.

That is what I expect of life.

I don't intend to be a zero, I want to be somebody in this field.

Today the problem of using printf with uart must be sovled, ok? Hurry up, there is not enough time.


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