8.1 Issue Tracking

Spring Security uses JIRA to manage bug reports and enhancement requests. If you find a bug, please log a report using JIRA. Do not log it on the support forum, mailing list or by emailing the project’s developers. Such approaches are ad-hoc and we prefer to manage bugs using a more formal process.

Spring Security使用JIRA来管理错误报告和增强请求。如果您发现错误,请使用JIRA记录报告。请勿将其记录在支持论坛,邮件列表或通过电子邮件发送给项目开发人员。这些方法是临时的,我们更喜欢使用更正式的流程来管理错误。

If possible, in your issue report please provide a JUnit test that demonstrates any incorrect behaviour. Or, better yet, provide a patch that corrects the issue. Similarly, enhancements are welcome to be logged in the issue tracker, although we only accept enhancement requests if you include corresponding unit tests. This is necessary to ensure project test coverage is adequately maintained.

You can access the issue tracker at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues.

8.2 Becoming Involved(成为参与者)

We welcome your involvement in the Spring Security project. There are many ways of contributing, including reading the forum and responding to questions from other people, writing new code, improving existing code, assisting with documentation, developing samples or tutorials, or simply making suggestions.

我们欢迎您参与Spring Security项目。有很多方式可以做出贡献,包括阅读论坛和回答其他人提出的问题,编写新代码,改进现有代码,协助编写文档,开发示例或教程,或者只是提出建议。

8.3 Further Information

Questions and comments on Spring Security are welcome. You can use the Spring at Stack Overflow web site at http://spring.io/questions to discuss Spring Security with other users of the framework. Remember to use JIRA for bug reports, as explained above.

欢迎对Spring Security提出问题和意见。您可以使用Spring Over Stack Overflow网站http://spring.io/questions与框架的其他用户讨论Spring Security。如上所述,请记住使用JIRA进行错误报告。


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