public void AddList(List<ProModule.Model.pro_manifest_item> list)
            Hashtable SQLStringList = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                MySqlParameter[] parameters = {
     new MySqlParameter(string.Format("@id{0}",i),  MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50),
     new MySqlParameter(string.Format("@states{0}",i), MySqlDbType.Int32,11)};
                parameters[0].Value = list[i].id;
                parameters[1].Value = list[i].states;
                SQLStringList.Add(string.Format("insert into pro_manifest_finished (id,states) values (@id{0},@states{0})", i), parameters);


key值:insert into pro_manifest_finished (id,states) values (@id1,@states1)


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