1054 - Efficient Pseudo Code
Time Limit: 1 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB

Sometimes it's quite useful to write pseudo codes for problems. Actually you can write the necessary steps to solve a particular problem. In this problem you are given a pseudo code to solve a problem and you have to implement the pseudo code efficiently. Simple! Isn't it? :)

pseudo code


take two integers n and m

let p = n ^ m (n to the power m)

let sum = summation of all the divisors of p

let result = sum MODULO 1000,000,007


Now given n and m you have to find the desired result from the pseudo code. For example if n = 12 and m = 2. Then if we follow the pseudo code, we get

pseudo code


take two integers n and m

so, n = 12 and m = 2

let p = n ^ m (n to the power m)

so, p = 144

let sum = summation of all the divisors of p

so, sum = 403, since the divisors of p are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 144

let result = sum MODULO 1000,000,007

so, result = 403



Input starts with an integer T (≤ 5000), denoting the number of test cases.

Each test case will contain two integers, n (1 ≤ n) and m (0 ≤ m). Each of n and m will be fit into a 32 bit signed integer.


For each case of input you have to print the case number and the result according to the pseudo code.

Sample Input

Output for Sample Input


12 2

12 1

36 2

Case 1: 403

Case 2: 28

Case 3: 3751

  1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<algorithm>
3 #include<iostream>
4 #include<string.h>
5 #include<stdlib.h>
6 #include<queue>
7 #include<stack>
8 using namespace std;
9 bool prime[1000000];
10 int ans[1000000];
11 int mod=1e9+7;
12 typedef long long LL;
13 typedef struct pp
14 {
15 int x;
16 int y;
17 } ss;
18 ss sum[1000];
19 stack<ss>que;
20 LL quick(LL n,LL m);
21 int main(void)
22 {
23 memset(prime,0,sizeof(prime));
24 int i,j,k;
25 for(i=2; i<=1000; i++)
26 {
27 if(!prime[i])
28 {
29 for(j=i; (i*j)<=1000000; j++)
30 {
31 prime[i*j]=true;
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 int cnt=0;
36 for(i=2; i<=1000000; i++)
37 {
38 if(!prime[i])
39 {
40 ans[cnt++]=i;
41 }
42 }
43 scanf("%d",&k);
44 int s;
45 LL x,y;
46 for(s=1; s<=k; s++)
47 {
48 scanf("%lld %lld",&x,&y);
49 int tt=0;
50 int id=0;
51 int an=0;
52 while(x>1&&tt<cnt)
53 {
54 if((LL)ans[tt]*(LL)ans[tt]>x)
55 { if(an!=0)
56 {
57 ss dd;
58 dd.x=ans[tt];
59 dd.y=an;
60 que.push(dd);
61 an=0;
62 }
63 break;
64 }
65 else if(x%ans[tt]==0)
66 {
67 an++;
68 x/=ans[tt];
69 if(x==1)
70 { ss dd;
71 dd.x=ans[tt];
72 dd.y=an;
73 que.push(dd);
74 an=0;
75 }
76 }
77 else if(x%ans[tt]!=0)
78 {
79 if(an!=0)
80 {
81 ss ask;
82 ask.x=ans[tt];
83 ask.y=an;
84 que.push(ask);
85 an=0;
86 }
87 tt++;
88 }
89 }
90 if(!que.empty())
91 {
92 ss ap=que.top();
93 if(x!=1)
94 {
95 if(x!=ap.x)
96 {
97 ss ask;
98 ask.x=x;
99 ask.y=1;
100 que.push(ask);
101 }
102 else
103 {
104 ss dd=que.top();
105 que.pop();
106 dd.y+=1;
107 que.push(dd);
108 }
109 }
110 }
111 else
112 {
114 if(x!=1)
115 {
116 ss ask;
117 ask.x=x;
118 ask.y=1;
119 que.push(ask);}
121 }
122 int vv=0;
123 while(!que.empty())
124 {
125 sum[vv]=que.top();
127 que.pop();
128 vv++;
129 }
130 LL ac=1;
131 for(i=0; i<vv; i++)
132 {
133 //printf("%d %d\n",sum[i].x,sum[i].y);
134 LL q=sum[i].x-1;
135 LL ni=quick((LL)q,(LL)(mod-2));
136 LL r=(sum[i].y*y+1)%(mod-1);
137 LL p=quick((LL)sum[i].x,(LL)(r));
138 p-=1;
139 p=(p%mod+mod)%mod;
140 p=p*ni%mod;
141 ac=ac*p%mod;
142 }
143 printf("Case %d:",s);
144 printf(" %lld\n",ac%mod);
145 }
146 return 0;
147 }
148 LL quick(LL n,LL m)
149 {
150 LL ak=1;
151 n%=mod;
152 while(m)
153 {
154 if(m&1)
155 {
156 ak=(ak%mod)*(n%mod)%mod;
157 }
158 n=(n*n)%mod;
159 m/=2;
160 }
161 return ak;
162 }


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