作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



Given an array of characters, compress it in-place.

The length after compression must always be smaller than or equal to the original array.

Every element of the array should be a character (not int) of length 1.

After you are done modifying the input array in-place, return the new length of the array.

Follow up:
Could you solve it using only O(1) extra space?

Example 1:

["a","a","b","b","c","c","c"] Output:
Return 6, and the first 6 characters of the input array should be: ["a","2","b","2","c","3"] Explanation:
"aa" is replaced by "a2". "bb" is replaced by "b2". "ccc" is replaced by "c3".

Example 2:

["a"] Output:
Return 1, and the first 1 characters of the input array should be: ["a"] Explanation:
Nothing is replaced.

Example 3:

["a","b","b","b","b","b","b","b","b","b","b","b","b"] Output:
Return 4, and the first 4 characters of the input array should be: ["a","b","1","2"]. Explanation:
Since the character "a" does not repeat, it is not compressed. "bbbbbbbbbbbb" is replaced by "b12".
Notice each digit has it's own entry in the array.


  1. All characters have an ASCII value in [35, 126].
  2. 1 <= len(chars) <= 1000.






class Solution(object):
def compress(self, chars):
:type chars: List[str]
:rtype: int
marks = ""
length = -1
cur = chars[0]
for i, value in enumerate(chars):
length += 1
if value != cur:
count = str(length) if length != 1 else ''
marks += cur + count
cur = value
length = 0
if i == len(chars) - 1:
length += 1
count = str(length) if length != 1 else ''
marks += cur + count
cur = value
length = 0
print marks
for i, mark in enumerate(marks):
chars[i] = mark
return len(marks)



class Solution(object):
def compress(self, chars):
:type chars: List[str]
:rtype: int
pre = chars[0]
count = 0
pos = 0
for ch in chars:
if pre == ch:
count += 1
chars[pos] = pre
pos += 1
if count > 1:
count = str(count)
for i in range(len(count)):
chars[pos] = count[i]
pos += 1
count = 1
pre = ch
chars[pos] = pre
pos += 1
if count > 1:
count = str(count)
for i in range(len(count)):
chars[pos] = count[i]
pos += 1
return pos


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