
Today. When i learning the OOP in python , I found a very interesting Question that how a number be found in the parent class and the child class .

First of all, let us define a class Animals

class Animals:
age = 0

Then let us define a child class

class Dog(Animals):
"Dog class"

next, we just create a main method :

zhang_san= Dog()
li_si = Dog()
zhang_san.age = 1
Dog.age = 10

We will get a result that the age in zhang_san is absolutely 1 .But how about the age in object li_si ?

Actually the result of li_si is 10.

So why ?

if we also set the value of age of li_si as any numbers such as 99

The outcome will be different.

So why ?

As the number of age is a class number , belong to the class of Animals and the dog is the child node of Animals

When you want to find a number in python . the program will to find the child node in first , if can not find any number you want the python will countine to search according to their parent nodes. At the end of the process , if it is still could not find a number , the program will throw error .


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