用列表中的值逐行替换文件中符合条件的字符串,并保存为新的文件, open("file").readlines

方案1: 逐行替换并保存为新的文件

import re

def replace_string1():

new_name_list = ["string1", "string11", "string111",...]
# 正则提取
p_s0 = 'def test_TC_(.*?)\('#get accurate String2 at position:def test_TC_String2(
#逐行替换file中String1 with String2
f2 = open("./file_new.py", 'w', encoding='utf-8')
lines = open("./file.py", encoding='utf-8').readlines()

# 逐行查找file中是否包含String2, 找到之后用用列表中的值逐一替换
j = 0
for s in lines:
casename = re.findall(p_s0, s, re.S) #逐行查找file中是是否包含String2, 找到返回列表["String2"], 否则返回[]
if (casename):
while j < len(new_name_list):
s = s.replace(casename[0],new_name_list[j]) # file 行中包含String2, 则替换成列表中的值
j += 1



方案2: 逐行替换并保存文件

import re
def replace_string2():

with open("./testlistrule.py", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
content = f.read()

# 正则提取
p_s1 = 'self.case_id = (.*?)\n'
p_s0 = 'def test_TC_(.*?)\('

id = re.findall(p_s1, content, re.S)
casename = re.findall(p_s0, content, re.S)

new_name_list = []
for i in range(len(casename)):
new_casename = casename[i] + "_" + id[i]

with open("./testlistrule.py", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
j = 0
content = []
for s in lines:
casename = re.findall(p_s0, s, re.S)
if (casename):
while j < len(new_name_list):
s = s.replace(casename[0],new_name_list[j])
j += 1
with open("./testlistrule.py", 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f:


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