
//    查询
@Select("select id, name, type, numbers, cancelled, completed, percentage from customer_list")
List<CustomerList> selectCustomerListAll();   //多表联查
  //所有的关联实体类必须引入此注解 @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = {"handler","hibernateLazyInitializer","fieldHandler"})
  @Select("select id, user_name, remarks, service_id, from jurisdiction_role ")
  @Results(id="resultMap", value = {
@Result(column = "id" , property = "id" ,id=true),
@Result(column = "user_name" ,property = "user_name"),
@Result(column = "remarks",property = "remarks"),
@Result(property = "service_id",column = "service_id" , //com.cn.test.mapper.JurisdictionServiceMapper.selectJurisdictionServiceOneId 引入的此mapper必须实现此查询方法
                many = @Many(select = "com.cn.test.mapper.JurisdictionServiceMapper.selectJurisdictionServiceOneId",
fetchType = FetchType.LAZY)),
  List<JurisdictionRole> selectJurisdictionRoleAll();   //com.cn.test.mapper.JurisdictionServiceMapper.selectJurisdictionServiceOneId
  @Select("select id, name, imports, repair_statistics, annual_completion_rate, work_order_statistics, app_amount, app_times, usage_statistics, " +
"satisfaction_survey, device_status from jurisdiction_service where id = #{id}")
  JurisdictionService selectJurisdictionServiceOneId(Integer id);

//    修改
@Update("<script> update customer_list set <if test = 'name != null'> name = #{name} ,</if>" +
"<if test = 'type != null'> type = #{type} ,</if>" +
"<if test = 'numbers != null'> numbers = #{numbers} ,</if>" +
"<if test = 'cancelled != null'> cancelled = #{cancelled} ,</if>" +
"<if test = 'completed != null'> completed = #{completed} ,</if>" +
"<if test = 'percentage != null'> percentage = #{percentage} ,</if>" +
"id = #{id} where id = #{id}</script>")
int updateCustomerListOneId(CustomerList customerList); 3.添加
  @Insert("insert into jurisdiction_role (user_name, remarks, state)" +
"values (#{user_name}, #{remarks}, #{state})")
  int insertIntoJurisdictionRoleIdOne(JurisdictionRole jurisdictionRole);
  @Delete("delete from locks where id = #{id}")
  int deleteLocksOneId(Integer id);


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