acute+puncture. [woninstitute.edu稻糠亩] To understand the basics of acupuncture, it is best to familiarize yourself with the acupuncture points [穴位也可以叫acupoint] chart.

The number of acupuncture points was originally established to correlate with the number of days in the year – 365, but because acupuncturists in all parts of Asia came to identify points on the body differently, there was never an exact standard number. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) Scientific Group met in 1989 to adopt a proposed standard acupuncture nomenclature [命名法] for international use, and it was then that 361 points were agreed upon.

The WHO also identified an additional 48 points that are included in the international standard. The criteria [criterion的复数。评判之标准尺度也] for including the extra points were: common usage, considered clinically [临床] effective, had a clear anatomical [解剖jiě pōu] location and were at least .5 centimeters from a classical point.

哪些位大侠翻译的"The Adventure Of English"? 我对译者的中英文功底佩服之至。汉典也有发音功能。不用Flash而能在网页出声音,我也很佩服。

While there are multiple acupuncture locations on the body, most acupuncturists still look to the traditionally identified points. The acupuncture points are mapped to 14 main meridian channels [经络]. In Chinese medicine [中医], a meridian channel is also known as a Jing Iou [经络, luo. 用带衬线serif的字体是不是好点?] through which Qi (vital life energy) Xue (blood), Jinye (body fluids), Jing (essence) and Shen (spirit) flow. One meridian channel relates to each of the 12 inner organs [内内脏]. The two additional channels relate to "extraordinary vessels [管、船、容器]" – the interior of the spine [脊椎] (governing vessel) {不懂} and another along the midline of the abdomen [腹部] (conception [概念、构思] vessel).

子午线: 通过南北极端的假想线。子、午在中国各代表方位的正北与正南方,故称为「子午线」。也称为「经线」。老外喜欢用up, down代替北和南(看地图)。

Meridians are like a network and can be compared to the circulatory [循环] system in Western medicine [医学、药], however, meridians are not visible, but rather energetic. Each of the 14 meridian channels has a specific number, and acupuncture points meanings. Those include:
Lung (1); Large intestine (20); Stomach (45); Spleen (21); Heart (9); Small intestine (19); Bladder (67); Kidney (27); Pericardium (9); Triple energizer [Aha! 三焦!焦耳咋就叫焦耳涅?], an organ recognized in Chinese medicine, but not Western medicine (23); Gallbladder (44); Liver (14); Governing Vessel (28, also known as the sea of yang); and Conception Vessel (24, also known as the sea of yin).

Governing Vessel (28, also known as the sea of yang): 气海,这么着知道vessel还有容器的意思,没想到啊。spine还有courage or determination的意思。

sac: 囊; gall:胆; bladder: 膀胱
1. the conical sac of serous membrane that encloses the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels of vertebrates
2. a cavity or space that contains the heart of an invertebrate and in arthropods is a part of the hemocoel
gallbladder: a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored

In recent years, Chen and coworkers put forward the concept of 'acupoint sensitization' considering that it is a changing and dynamic site rather than in a stable state for the size and function of the acupoint.

阿是穴的含义是由《内经》发展而来,但“阿是”这一名称首见于《千金要方》。有个故事:“是这里疼吗?” “阿阿阿是是是” 故事者,过去的事也。

六级/考研单词: acute, acupuncture, correlate, heal, criterion, usage, centimetre, classic, adventure, multiple, medicare, fluid, essence, outer, vessel, interior, spine, lung, triple, liver, enclose, cavity, dynamic


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