
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ package org.springframework.beans.factory; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.core.ResolvableType; /**
* Extension of the {@link BeanFactory} interface to be implemented by bean factories
* that can enumerate all their bean instances, rather than attempting bean lookup
* by name one by one as requested by clients. BeanFactory implementations that
* preload all their bean definitions (such as XML-based factories) may implement
* this interface.
* <p>If this is a {@link HierarchicalBeanFactory}, the return values will <i>not</i>
* take any BeanFactory hierarchy into account, but will relate only to the beans
* defined in the current factory. Use the {@link BeanFactoryUtils} helper class
* to consider beans in ancestor factories too.
*  如果一样实现了HierarchicalBeanFactory,返回值不会考虑父类BeanFactory,只考虑当前factory定义的类
* <p>The methods in this interface will just respect bean definitions of this factory.
* They will ignore any singleton beans that have been registered by other means like
* {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory}'s
* {@code registerSingleton} method, with the exception of
* {@code getBeanNamesOfType} and {@code getBeansOfType} which will check
* such manually registered singletons too. Of course, BeanFactory's {@code getBean}
* does allow transparent access to such special beans as well. However, in typical
* scenarios, all beans will be defined by external bean definitions anyway, so most
* applications don't need to worry about this differentiation.
当然在典型情况下,所有的bean都是由external bean定义,所以引用不需要顾虑这些差别
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> With the exception of {@code getBeanDefinitionCount}
* and {@code containsBeanDefinition}, the methods in this interface
* are not designed for frequent invocation. Implementations may be slow.
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 16 April 2001
* @see HierarchicalBeanFactory
* @see BeanFactoryUtils
public interface ListableBeanFactory extends BeanFactory { /**
* Check if this bean factory contains a bean definition with the given name.
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in,
* and ignores any singleton beans that have been registered by
* other means than bean definitions.
    检查bean factory是否含有给定name的bean定义,忽略父factory和其他factory注册的单例bean
* @param beanName the name of the bean to look for
* @return if this bean factory contains a bean definition with the given name
    如果bean factory包含具有给定名称的bean定义
* @see #containsBean
boolean containsBeanDefinition(String beanName); /**
* Return the number of beans defined in the factory.
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in,
* and ignores any singleton beans that have been registered by
* other means than bean definitions.
    返回bean factory中定义bean的数量,一样不考虑父factory和其他factory注册的单例bean
* @return the number of beans defined in the factory
    返回bean factory里面定义bean的数量
int getBeanDefinitionCount(); /**
* Return the names of all beans defined in this factory.
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in,
* and ignores any singleton beans that have been registered by
* other means than bean definitions.
    返回bean factory中定义bean的数量,一样不考虑父factory和其他factory注册的单例Bean
* @return the names of all beans defined in this factory,
    返回bean factory中定义bean的数量存在数组里,如果没有则返回空数组
* or an empty array if none defined
String[] getBeanDefinitionNames(); /**
* Return the names of beans matching the given type (including subclasses),
* judging from either bean definitions or the value of {@code getObjectType}
* in the case of FactoryBeans.
* <p><b>NOTE: This method introspects top-level beans only.</b> It does <i>not</i>
* check nested beans which might match the specified type as well.
* <p>Does consider objects created by FactoryBeans, which means that FactoryBeans
* will get initialized. If the object created by the FactoryBean doesn't match,
* the raw FactoryBean itself will be matched against the type.
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
* Use BeanFactoryUtils' {@code beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors}
* to include beans in ancestor factories too.
* <p>Note: Does <i>not</i> ignore singleton beans that have been registered
* by other means than bean definitions.
* <p>This version of {@code getBeanNamesForType} matches all kinds of beans,
* be it singletons, prototypes, or FactoryBeans. In most implementations, the
* result will be the same as for {@code getBeanNamesForType(type, true, true)}.
* <p>Bean names returned by this method should always return bean names <i>in the
* order of definition</i> in the backend configuration, as far as possible.
* @param type the class or interface to match, or {@code null} for all bean names
* @return the names of beans (or objects created by FactoryBeans) matching
* the given object type (including subclasses), or an empty array if none
* @since 4.2
* @see #isTypeMatch(String, ResolvableType)
* @see FactoryBean#getObjectType
* @see BeanFactoryUtils#beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(ListableBeanFactory, ResolvableType)
String[] getBeanNamesForType(ResolvableType type); /**
* Return the names of beans matching the given type (including subclasses),
* judging from either bean definitions or the value of {@code getObjectType}
* in the case of FactoryBeans.
* <p><b>NOTE: This method introspects top-level beans only.</b> It does <i>not</i>
* check nested beans which might match the specified type as well.
* <p>Does consider objects created by FactoryBeans, which means that FactoryBeans
* will get initialized. If the object created by the FactoryBean doesn't match,
* the raw FactoryBean itself will be matched against the type.
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
* Use BeanFactoryUtils' {@code beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors}
* to include beans in ancestor factories too.
* <p>Note: Does <i>not</i> ignore singleton beans that have been registered
* by other means than bean definitions.
* <p>This version of {@code getBeanNamesForType} matches all kinds of beans,
* be it singletons, prototypes, or FactoryBeans. In most implementations, the
* result will be the same as for {@code getBeanNamesForType(type, true, true)}.
* <p>Bean names returned by this method should always return bean names <i>in the
* order of definition</i> in the backend configuration, as far as possible.
    获取给定类型的bean names(包括子类),通过bean定义或者FactoryBean的getObjectType判断,
    返回的bean names 会根据backed 配置的进行排序。
     * @param type the class or interface to match, or {@code null} for all bean names
* @return the names of beans (or objects created by FactoryBeans) matching
* the given object type (including subclasses), or an empty array if none
* @see FactoryBean#getObjectType
* @see BeanFactoryUtils#beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(ListableBeanFactory, Class)
String[] getBeanNamesForType(Class<?> type); /**
* Return the names of beans matching the given type (including subclasses),
* judging from either bean definitions or the value of {@code getObjectType}
* in the case of FactoryBeans.
* <p><b>NOTE: This method introspects top-level beans only.</b> It does <i>not</i>
* check nested beans which might match the specified type as well.
* <p>Does consider objects created by FactoryBeans if the "allowEagerInit" flag is set,
* which means that FactoryBeans will get initialized. If the object created by the
* FactoryBean doesn't match, the raw FactoryBean itself will be matched against the
* type. If "allowEagerInit" is not set, only raw FactoryBeans will be checked
* (which doesn't require initialization of each FactoryBean).
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
* Use BeanFactoryUtils' {@code beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors}
* to include beans in ancestor factories too.
* <p>Note: Does <i>not</i> ignore singleton beans that have been registered
* by other means than bean definitions.
* <p>Bean names returned by this method should always return bean names <i>in the
* order of definition</i> in the backend configuration, as far as possible.
* @param type the class or interface to match, or {@code null} for all bean names
* @param includeNonSingletons whether to include prototype or scoped beans too
* or just singletons (also applies to FactoryBeans)
* @param allowEagerInit whether to initialize <i>lazy-init singletons</i> and
* <i>objects created by FactoryBeans</i> (or by factory methods with a
* "factory-bean" reference) for the type check. Note that FactoryBeans need to be
* eagerly initialized to determine their type: So be aware that passing in "true"
* for this flag will initialize FactoryBeans and "factory-bean" references.
* @return the names of beans (or objects created by FactoryBeans) matching
* the given object type (including subclasses), or an empty array if none
* @see FactoryBean#getObjectType
* @see BeanFactoryUtils#beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(ListableBeanFactory, Class, boolean, boolean)
String[] getBeanNamesForType(Class<?> type, boolean includeNonSingletons, boolean allowEagerInit); /**
* Return the bean instances that match the given object type (including
* subclasses), judging from either bean definitions or the value of
* {@code getObjectType} in the case of FactoryBeans.
* <p><b>NOTE: This method introspects top-level beans only.</b> It does <i>not</i>
* check nested beans which might match the specified type as well.
* <p>Does consider objects created by FactoryBeans, which means that FactoryBeans
* will get initialized. If the object created by the FactoryBean doesn't match,
* the raw FactoryBean itself will be matched against the type.
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
* Use BeanFactoryUtils' {@code beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors}
* to include beans in ancestor factories too.
* <p>Note: Does <i>not</i> ignore singleton beans that have been registered
* by other means than bean definitions.
* <p>This version of getBeansOfType matches all kinds of beans, be it
* singletons, prototypes, or FactoryBeans. In most implementations, the
* result will be the same as for {@code getBeansOfType(type, true, true)}.
* <p>The Map returned by this method should always return bean names and
* corresponding bean instances <i>in the order of definition</i> in the
* backend configuration, as far as possible.
* @param type the class or interface to match, or {@code null} for all concrete beans
* @return a Map with the matching beans, containing the bean names as
* keys and the corresponding bean instances as values
* @throws BeansException if a bean could not be created
* @since 1.1.2
* @see FactoryBean#getObjectType
* @see BeanFactoryUtils#beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(ListableBeanFactory, Class)
<T> Map<String, T> getBeansOfType(Class<T> type) throws BeansException; /**
* Return the bean instances that match the given object type (including
* subclasses), judging from either bean definitions or the value of
* {@code getObjectType} in the case of FactoryBeans.
* <p><b>NOTE: This method introspects top-level beans only.</b> It does <i>not</i>
* check nested beans which might match the specified type as well.
* <p>Does consider objects created by FactoryBeans if the "allowEagerInit" flag is set,
* which means that FactoryBeans will get initialized. If the object created by the
* FactoryBean doesn't match, the raw FactoryBean itself will be matched against the
* type. If "allowEagerInit" is not set, only raw FactoryBeans will be checked
* (which doesn't require initialization of each FactoryBean).
* <p>Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
* Use BeanFactoryUtils' {@code beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors}
* to include beans in ancestor factories too.
* <p>Note: Does <i>not</i> ignore singleton beans that have been registered
* by other means than bean definitions.
* <p>The Map returned by this method should always return bean names and
* corresponding bean instances <i>in the order of definition</i> in the
* backend configuration, as far as possible.
* @param type the class or interface to match, or {@code null} for all concrete beans
* @param includeNonSingletons whether to include prototype or scoped beans too
* or just singletons (also applies to FactoryBeans)
* @param allowEagerInit whether to initialize <i>lazy-init singletons</i> and
* <i>objects created by FactoryBeans</i> (or by factory methods with a
* "factory-bean" reference) for the type check. Note that FactoryBeans need to be
* eagerly initialized to determine their type: So be aware that passing in "true"
* for this flag will initialize FactoryBeans and "factory-bean" references.
* @return a Map with the matching beans, containing the bean names as
* keys and the corresponding bean instances as values
* @throws BeansException if a bean could not be created
* @see FactoryBean#getObjectType
* @see BeanFactoryUtils#beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(ListableBeanFactory, Class, boolean, boolean)
<T> Map<String, T> getBeansOfType(Class<T> type, boolean includeNonSingletons, boolean allowEagerInit)
throws BeansException; /**
* Find all names of beans whose {@code Class} has the supplied {@link Annotation}
* type, without creating any bean instances yet.
* @param annotationType the type of annotation to look for
* @return the names of all matching beans
* @since 4.0
String[] getBeanNamesForAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType); /**
* Find all beans whose {@code Class} has the supplied {@link Annotation} type,
* returning a Map of bean names with corresponding bean instances.
* @param annotationType the type of annotation to look for
* @return a Map with the matching beans, containing the bean names as
* keys and the corresponding bean instances as values
* @throws BeansException if a bean could not be created
* @since 3.0
Map<String, Object> getBeansWithAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) throws BeansException; /**
* Find an {@link Annotation} of {@code annotationType} on the specified
* bean, traversing its interfaces and super classes if no annotation can be
* found on the given class itself.
* @param beanName the name of the bean to look for annotations on
* @param annotationType the annotation class to look for
* @return the annotation of the given type if found, or {@code null}
* @throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException if there is no bean with the given name
* @since 3.0
<A extends Annotation> A findAnnotationOnBean(String beanName, Class<A> annotationType)
throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException; }


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