[alex@iZ25c5aeyiiZ yiqizou3.0]# php artisan list

Laravel Framework version 5.0.

command [options] [arguments] Options:
--help (-h) Display this help message
--quiet (-q) Do not output any message
--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: for normal output, for more verbose output and for debug
--version (-V) Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
--no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question
--env The environment the command should run under. Available commands:
DataMigration yiqizou3. version data migration
clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file
create_match auto create match
down Put the application into maintenance mode
env Display the current framework environment
fresh Remove the scaffolding included with the framework
help Displays help for a command
inspire Display an inspiring quote
list Lists commands
migrate Run the database migrations
optimize Optimize the framework for better performance
repair 修复程序.
serve Serve the application on the PHP development server
sync_cache data sync to cache
tinker Interact with your application
up Bring the application out of maintenance mode
app:name Set the application namespace
auth:clear-resets Flush expired password reset tokens
cache:clear Flush the application cache
cache:table Create a migration for the cache database table
company:stat stat company data.
config:cache Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
config:clear Remove the configuration cache file
db:seed Seed the database with records
db:truncate 清空数据库.
db:upload 异步入库Redis中的上传数据
event:generate Generate the missing events and handlers based on registration
handler:command Create a new command handler class
handler:event Create a new event handler class
import:str 修复导入过程中存在不可见字符.
key:generate Set the application key
make:command Create a new command class
make:console Create a new Artisan command
make:controller Create a new resource controller class
make:event Create a new event class
make:middleware Create a new middleware class
make:migration Create a new migration file
make:model Create a new Eloquent model class
make:provider Create a new service provider class
make:request Create a new form request class
match:refresh 刷新竞赛
match:report create match report
match:stat 统计指定竞赛排名.
match:update 定时更新竞赛状态.
migrate:install Create the migration repository
migrate:refresh Reset and re-run all migrations
migrate:reset Rollback all database migrations
migrate:rollback Rollback the last database migration
migrate:status Show the status of each migration
push:message send umeng message
queue:failed List all of the failed queue jobs
queue:failed-table Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
queue:flush Flush all of the failed queue jobs
queue:forget Delete a failed queue job
queue:listen Listen to a given queue
queue:restart Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
queue:retry Retry a failed queue job
queue:subscribe Subscribe a URL to an Iron.io push queue
queue:table Create a migration for the queue jobs database table
queue:work Process the next job on a queue
repair:pace repair pace
route:cache Create a route cache file for faster route registration 清空缓存,快速注册(代码正常,但请求失败!!!)
route:clear Remove the route cache file 清空路由缓存
route:list List all registered routes 查看路由列表
schedule:run Run the scheduled commands
session:table Create a migration for the session database table
user:move Command description.
vendor:publish Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages


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