//std::string => CString
std::string srcString = "Hello World!";
CString dstString = CString(srcString.c_str()); //std::string => CString
std::string srcString = "Hello World!";
CString dstString = A2W(srcString.c_str()); //CString => std::string
CString srcString = CString("Hello World!");
std::string dstString = (CStringA)srcString; //CString => std::string
#include <atlconv.h>
CString srcString = CString("Hello World!");
std::string dstString = W2A(srcString); AfxMessageBox(string);

BSTR 类型转换

BSTR result;
std::wstring stringResult = (_bstr_t)result; BSTR dst = (_bstr_t)stringResult .c_str();


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