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Oracle Order Management - Version 11.5 to 12.2.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.2]

Information in this document applies to any platform.

***Checked for relevance on 08-Sep-2014***


This document is a compilation of Process Order API 'How To' Scripts


Note Number

Script Description

Document 364316.1 How does one import Credit Card Payments using Process Order API ?
Document 427947.1 How does one process orders from different operating units using Process Order API ?
Document 470741.1 How Does One Book An Order Using Process Order API ?
Document 745369.1 How Does One Update Order Header Details Using Process Order API For R12 ?
Document 746783.1 Script To Create An Order With One Line
Document 746787.1 Process Order API In Order Management
Document 746796.1 Script To Add A New Line To An Existing Order
Document 746797.1 Script To Cancel An Existing Order
Document 746798.1 Script To Cancel An Existing Order Line
Document 746802.1 Script To Update An Existing Order Line
Document 746803.1 Script To Reserve an Order Line
Document 746804.1 Script To Unreserve An Order Line
Document 746808.1 Script To Split An Order Line
Document 746809.1 Script To Delete An Order
Document 746810.1 Script To Delete An Order Line
Document 746811.1 Script To Apply Hold in Sales Order
Document 746812.1 Script To Release Hold In A Sales Order
Document 755135.1 How does one update Unit Price using Process Order API?
Document 811264.1 How Does One Book An Order Using OE_INBOUND_INT.PROCESS_ORDER() ?
Document 869085.1 Process Order API In Order Management - R12 Updates
Document 1128445.1 Need Script To Apply Hold using Process Order API in R12 ?
Document 1907954.1 Seeded API Not Generating Trxn_Extension_id In Oe_payments Table For ACH Payment Type Information

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NOTE:1396053.1 -
How to apply a HOLD at Line Level using an API ?

NOTE:1066731.1 -
Is There Any Documentation for the OE_HOLDS_PUB API?


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