
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> struct Class;
typedef struct Class _Class; struct IMethod
void (*ctor)(_Class *c);
void (*dtor)(_Class *c);
int (*sum)(_Class* c);
int (*getValueA)(_Class* c);
int (*getValueB)(_Class* c);
void (*setValueA)(_Class*c, int a);
void (*setValueB)(_Class *c, int b);
typedef struct IMethod _IMethod; typedef struct Class
int m_a;
int m_b; //接口
_IMethod m_method;
} _Class; int _sum(_Class *c)
return c->m_a+c->m_b;
} int _getValueA(_Class *c)
return c->m_a;
} int _getValueB(_Class *c)
return c->m_b;
} void _setValueA(_Class *c, int a)
c->m_a = a;
} void _setValueB(_Class *c, int b)
c->m_b = b;
} void _ctor(_Class *c)
printf("create new _Class\n"); //初始化数据,构造函数
c->m_method.sum = &_sum;
c->m_method.getValueA = &_getValueA;
c->m_method.getValueB = &_getValueB;
c->m_method.setValueA = &_setValueA;
c->m_method.setValueB = &_setValueB; c->m_a = 0;
c->m_b = 0;
} void _dtor(_Class *c)
printf("delete _Class\n"); //析构函数
} //_Class的对象工厂
_Class *newClass()
_Class* obj= (_Class*)malloc(sizeof(_Class));
return obj;
} void deleteClass(_Class * c)
} #define CXX_CALLER(obj, fun,...)\
obj->m_method.fun(obj, __VA_ARGS__);\ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
_Class *c = newClass(); int a=0, b=0, sum=0;
CXX_CALLER(c, setValueA, 100);
CXX_CALLER(c, setValueB, 200);
// c->m_method.setValueA(100);
// c->m_method.setValueB(200); // a = c->m_method.getValueA(c);
// b = c->m_method.getValueB(c);
// sum = c->m_method.sum(c);
a = CXX_CALLER(c, getValueA);
b = CXX_CALLER(c, getValueB);
sum = CXX_CALLER(c, sum); printf("a=%d, b=%d, sum=%d\n", a, b, sum); deleteClass(c); getchar();
return 0;


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