apple=# begin;
apple=# set transaction ISOLATION LEVEL read committed ;
apple=# select * from test;
id | info
2 | test
3 | test1
4 | test1
5 | test
6 | test
7 | test
8 | test1
9 | test1
10 | test
11 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
(15 rows)

apple=# select * from test;
id | info
2 | test
3 | test1
4 | test1
5 | test
6 | test
7 | test
8 | test1
9 | test1
10 | test
11 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
(16 rows)
apple=# commit;
COMMIT 设置隔离级别为可重复读:
apple=# begin;
apple=# set transaction ISOLATION LEVEL repeatable READ;
apple=# select * from test;
id | info
2 | test
3 | test1
4 | test1
5 | test
6 | test
7 | test
8 | test1
9 | test1
10 | test
11 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
(16 rows)

apple=# select * from test;
id | info
2 | test
3 | test1
4 | test1
5 | test
6 | test
7 | test
8 | test1
9 | test1
10 | test
11 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
1 | test
(16 rows) apple=#


apple=# set transaction ISOLATION LEVEL repeatable READ;
WARNING: SET TRANSACTION can only be used in transaction blocks


#default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed'

Read committed(读已提交)

读已提交是PostgreSQL中的默认隔离级别。 当一个事务运行使用这个隔离级别时, 一个查询(没有FOR UPDATE/SHARE子句)只能看到查询开始之前已经被提交的数据, 而无法看到未提交的数据或在查询执行期间其它事务提交的数据。实际上,SELECT查询看到的是一个在查询开始运行的瞬间该数据库的一个快照。不过SELECT可以看见在它自身事务中之前执行的更新的效果,即使它们还没有被提交。



Repeatable read(可重复读)




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