* 缓存类 cache
* 实 例:
include( "cache.php" ); $cache = new cache(30);
$cache->cacheCheck(); echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $cache->caching();
class cache {
var $cacheRoot = "./cache/";
var $cacheLimitTime = 0;
var $cacheFileName = "";
var $cacheFileExt = "php"; /*
* 构造函数
* int $cacheLimitTime 缓存更新时间
function cache( $cacheLimitTime ) {
if( intval( $cacheLimitTime ) )
$this->cacheLimitTime = $cacheLimitTime;
$this->cacheFileName = $this->getCacheFileName();
} /*
* 检查缓存文件是否在设置更新时间之内
* 返回:如果在更新时间之内则返回文件内容,反之则返回失败
function cacheCheck(){
if( file_exists( $this->cacheFileName ) ) {
$cTime = $this->getFileCreateTime( $this->cacheFileName );
if( $cTime + $this->cacheLimitTime > time() ) {
echo file_get_contents( $this->cacheFileName );
return false;
} /*
* 缓存文件或者输出静态
* string $staticFileName 静态文件名(含相对路径)
function caching( $staticFileName = "" ){
if( $this->cacheFileName ) {
$cacheContent = ob_get_contents();
//echo $cacheContent;
ob_end_flush(); if( $staticFileName ) {
$this->saveFile( $staticFileName, $cacheContent );
} if( $this->cacheLimitTime )
$this->saveFile( $this->cacheFileName, $cacheContent );
} /*
* 清除缓存文件
* string $fileName 指定文件名(含函数)或者all(全部)
* 返回:清除成功返回true,反之返回false
function clearCache( $fileName = "all" ) {
if( $fileName != "all" ) {
$fileName = $this->cacheRoot . strtoupper(md5($fileName)).".".$this->cacheFileExt;
if( file_exists( $fileName ) ) {
return @unlink( $fileName );
}else return false;
if ( is_dir( $this->cacheRoot ) ) {
if ( $dir = @opendir( $this->cacheRoot ) ) {
while ( $file = @readdir( $dir ) ) {
$check = is_dir( $file );
if ( !$check )
@unlink( $this->cacheRoot . $file );
@closedir( $dir );
return true;
return false;
return false;
} /*
* 根据当前动态文件生成缓存文件名
function getCacheFileName() {
return $this->cacheRoot . strtoupper(md5($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])).".".$this->cacheFileExt;
} /*
* 缓存文件建立时间
* string $fileName 缓存文件名(含相对路径)
* 返回:文件生成时间秒数,文件不存在返回0
function getFileCreateTime( $fileName ) {
if( ! trim($fileName) ) return 0; if( file_exists( $fileName ) ) {
return intval(filemtime( $fileName ));
}else return 0;
} /*
* 保存文件
* string $fileName 文件名(含相对路径)
* string $text 文件内容
* 返回:成功返回ture,失败返回false
function saveFile($fileName, $text) {
if( ! $fileName || ! $text ) return false; if( $this->makeDir( dirname( $fileName ) ) ) {
if( $fp = fopen( $fileName, "w" ) ) {
if( @fwrite( $fp, $text ) ) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
return false;
} /*
* 连续建目录
* string $dir 目录字符串
* int $mode 权限数字
* 返回:顺利创建或者全部已建返回true,其它方式返回false
function makeDir( $dir, $mode = "0777" ) {
if( ! $dir ) return 0;
$dir = str_replace( "\\", "/", $dir ); $mdir = "";
foreach( explode( "/", $dir ) as $val ) {
$mdir .= $val."/";
if( $val == ".." || $val == "." || trim( $val ) == "" ) continue; if( ! file_exists( $mdir ) ) {
if(!@mkdir( $mdir, $mode )){
return false;
return true;



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