Swift - 多个mask的动画效果




// TranformFadeView.swift
// Swift-Animations
// Created by YouXianMing on 16/8/20.
// Copyright © 2016年 YouXianMing. All rights reserved.
// import UIKit enum TranformFadeViewAnimatedType : Int { case Fade, Show
} // MARK: TranformFadeView class TranformFadeView: UIView { // MARK: Convenience init. convenience init(frame: CGRect, verticalCount : Int, horizontalCount : Int, fadeDuradtion : NSTimeInterval, animationGapDuration : NSTimeInterval) { self.init(frame: frame)
self.verticalCount = verticalCount
self.horizontalCount = horizontalCount
self.fadeDuradtion = fadeDuradtion
self.animationGapDuration = animationGapDuration
} // MARK: Properies & funcs. /// The content imageView's image.
var image : UIImage? { get { return imageView.image}
set(newVal) { imageView.image = newVal}
} /// The content imageView's contentMode.
var imageContentMode: UIViewContentMode { get { return imageView.contentMode}
set(newVal) { imageView.contentMode = newVal}
} /// Vertical direction view's count.
var verticalCount : Int! /// Horizontal direction view's count.
var horizontalCount : Int! /// One of the maskView's animation duration, default is 1.0
var fadeDuradtion : NSTimeInterval! = /// The animation duration two subViews from allMaskView, default is 0.2
var animationGapDuration : NSTimeInterval! = 0.2 /**
Make the config effective.
func makeConfigEffective() { if verticalCount < || horizontalCount < { return;
} if allMaskView != nil { allMaskView.removeFromSuperview()
} countNumArray.removeAll() allMaskView = UIView(frame: bounds)
maskView = allMaskView let height = bounds.size.height
let width = bounds.size.width
let maskViewHeight = height / CGFloat(verticalCount)
let maskViewWidth = width / CGFloat(horizontalCount) var count : Int =
for horizontal in ..< horizontalCount { for vertical in ..< verticalCount { let frame = CGRectMake(maskViewWidth * CGFloat(horizontal), maskViewHeight * CGFloat(vertical), maskViewWidth, maskViewHeight)
let maskView = UIView(frame: frame)
maskView.tag = maskViewTag + count
maskView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
allMaskView.addSubview(maskView) count = count + ;
} maskViewCount = count for i in ..< maskViewCount { countNumArray.append(i)
} /**
Start transform to fade or show state. - parameter animated: Animated or not.
- parameter transformTo: Show or fade.
func start(animated animated : Bool, transformTo : TranformFadeViewAnimatedType) { if animated == true { let tmpFadeDuradtion = fadeDuradtion < ? 1.0 : fadeDuradtion
let tmpGapDuration = animationGapDuration < ? 0.2 : animationGapDuration for i in ..< maskViewCount { let tmpView = allMaskView.viewWithTag(maskViewTag + i) UIView.animateWithDuration(tmpFadeDuradtion, delay: NSTimeInterval(i) * tmpGapDuration, options: .CurveLinear, animations: { switch transformTo { case .Fade :
tmpView?.alpha = 0.0 case .Show :
tmpView?.alpha = 1.0
} }, completion: nil)
} } else { for i in ..< maskViewCount { let tmpView = allMaskView.viewWithTag(maskViewTag + i) switch transformTo { case .Fade :
tmpView?.alpha = 0.0 case .Show :
tmpView?.alpha = 1.0
} // MARK: System methods & Private properties private var imageView : UIImageView!
private var allMaskView : UIView!
private var maskViewCount : Int!
private var countNumArray : [Int]!
private var maskViewTag : Int = override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) imageView = UIImageView(frame: bounds)
imageView.layer.masksToBounds = true
countNumArray = [Int]()
} required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")


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