










======== This is a test tool to use FreeType2 in a multi-threaded environment. FreeType2 is not thread-safe, and the original author(s) of FreeType
suggest that one FT_Library per thread should be used. Unfortunately
this is too inflexible to be really useful. However, there are ways to use it safely in a multi-threaded environment
with simple modifications to FreeType. I have now produced a complete
patchset to that effect and tested it using this utility. The patchset
is available here: https://github.com/behdad/freetype/commits/ftthread and I hope it to be integrated into upstream FreeType very soon. In
the mean time, here's the new threadsafety model, which needs to be
integrated into FreeType documentation. Note that cairo graphics
library already uses FreeType in this way and as such the entire GNOME
desktop has been relying on this model, to huge disappointment as seen
in the following bug reports, each of which have many duplicates: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=678397
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69034 Threadsafety model
================== - A FT_Face object can only be safely used from one thread at a time. - A FT_Library object can be used without modification from multiple
threads at the same time. - FT_Face creation / destruction with the same FT_Library object can
only be done from one thread at a time. Discussion
========== In this model, one can use a single FT_Library object across threads as
long as a mutex lock is used around FT_New_Face / FT_Done_Face. Any calls
to FT_Load_Glyph and similar API are safe and do not need the lock to be
held as long as the same FT_Face is not used from multiple threads at the
same time. Note that this goes almost all the way to making FreeType API useful from
multiple threads. The only remaining bit is the unfortunately API that is
FT_Library_SetLcdFilter (and to less extent FT_Library_SetLcdFilterWeights). I will try to work out a solution for replacing FT_Library_SetLcdFilter
using new FT_LOAD_* values. There seem to be quite a few bits available in
that space, so that work should happen soon.




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