








-i, --ignore-case: Ignore case distinctions when matching patterns. 忽略大小写。
--regex: Interpret all PATTERNs as extended regexps. 支持扩展正则。



find + 查找路径(默认为当前目录) + 查找条件 + 处理动作(默认为输出到标准输出)


-name [pattern]
-iname [pattern]: Like -name, but the match is case insensitive.




f: regular file,普通文件
d: directory,目录文件
l: symbolic link; this is never true if the -L option or the -follow option is in effect, unless the symbolic link is broken. If you want to search for symbolic links when -L is in effect, use -xtype. 符号链接文件
b:block (buffered) special,块设备文件
c: character (unbuffered) special,字符设备文件
p: named pipe (FIFO),管道文件
s: socket,套接字文件 # find /dev -type b -ls 查找/dev下的所有块设备并显示信息
# find /etc -type l -ls 查找/etc下的所有符号链接文件并显示信息


-size n[cwbkMG]


`b'    for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix is used)
`c' for bytes
`w' for two-byte words
`k' for Kilobytes (units of 1024 bytes)
`M' for Megabytes (units of 1048576 bytes)
`G' for Gigabytes (units of 1073741824 bytes) 参数n的制定方式:
+n for greater than n,
-n for less than n,
n for exactly n.


-atime n: File was last accessed n*24 hours ago. When find figures out how many 24-hour periods ago the file was last accessed, any fractional part is ignored, so to match -atime +1, a file has to have been accessed at least two days ago.
-ctime n: File's status was last changed n*24 hours ago.
-mtime n: File's data was last modified n*24 hours ago. 以分钟(minutes)为单位:
-amin n: File was last accessed n minutes ago.
-cmin n: File's status was last changed n minutes ago.
-mmin n: File's data was last modified n minutes ago. 参数n的制定方式:
+n for greater than n,
-n for less than n,
n for exactly n.


-perm mode: File's  permission  bits are exactly mode (octal or symbolic). 精确匹配
-perm -mode: All of the permission bits mode are set for the file. 每一类用户(u,g,o)的权限中的每一位(r,w,x)同时都符合条件
-perm /mode: Any of the permission bits mode are set for the file. 任何一类用户(u,g,o)的权限中的任何一位(r,w,x)符合条件 权限为0的位置忽略,不参与匹配。 # find . -perm 644 -ls 查找权限为644的文件;
# find . -perm -022 -ls 查找g,o同时拥有w权限的文件;
# find . -perm /222 -ls 至少有一类用户有写权限;
# find . -perm /111 -ls 至少有一类用户有执行权限;
# find . -perm /666 -ls 至少有一类用户有读或者写权限;
# find . -perm /002 -ls 其他用户有写权限的文件;


-user uname: File is owned by user uname (numeric user ID allowed). 查找属主为uname的文件
-group gname: File belongs to group gname (numeric group ID allowed). 查找属组为gname的文件
-uid n: File's numeric user ID is n. 查找属主uid为n的文件
-gid n: File's numeric group ID is n. 查找属组gid为n的文件
-nouser: No user corresponds to file's numeric user ID. 查找没有属主的文件
-nogroup: No group corresponds to file's numeric group ID. 超着没有属组的文件


expr1 expr2
expr1 -a expr2
expr1 -and expr2 或
expr1 -o expr2
expr1 -or expr2 非
! expr
-not expr
# find /var -user root -a -group mail -ls 查找/usr目录下不属于root,bin或hadoop的所有文件或目录;
# find /usr -not -user root -a -not -user bin -a -not -user hadoop -ls
# find /usr -not \(-user root -o -user bin -o -user hadoop \) -ls 查找/etc目录下最近一周内其内容修改过,且属主不是root也不是hadoop用户的文件或目录;
# find /etc -mtime -7 -a -not -user root -a not -user hadoop -ls
# find /etc -mtime -7 -a -not \( -user root -o -user hadoop \) -ls 查找当前系统上没有属主或属组,且最近一周内曾被访问过的文件或目录;
# find / \( -nouser -o -nogroup \) -atime -7 -ls 查找/etc目录下大于1M且类型为普通文件的所有文件;
# find /etc -size +1M -type f -exec ls -lh {} \; 查找/etc目录下所有用户都没有写权限的文件;
# find /etc -not -perm /222 -ls 查找/etc目录下至少有一类用户没有执行权限的文件;
# find /etc -not -perm -111 -ls 查找/etc/init.d目录下,所有用户都有执行权限,且其他用户有写权限的所有文件;
# find /etc/init.d/ -perm -111 -a -perm -002 -ls


-print: True; print the full file name on the standard output, followed by a newline. 将查找到的文件打印到标准输出,默认的处理动作。
-delete: Delete files. 删除查找到的文件。
-ls: True; list current file in ls -dils format on standard output. 按指定格式列出查找到的文件。
-ok: command: Like -exec but ask the user first. 执行命令,但需要用户交互式确认。
-exec command {} \; : Execute command. 直接执行命令。
-exec command {} + : 新版find用法,内置了xargs,效果与find结合xargs使用相同。 # find / nouser -a nogroup -ok chown root:root {} \; 查找没有属主和属组的所有文件,并更改为属于root;
# find / -name "*.conf" -exec ls -l {} \; 列出系统中所有以.conf结尾的文件;
# find / -name "*.tmp" -exec rm -rf {} \; 删除系统中所有临时文件;
# find / -perm /002 -exec mv {} {}.danger \; # find /path -type f -exec rm '{}' \;
# find /path -type f -exec rm '{}' +
# find /path -type f | xargs rm -f {}:用于引用查找到的文件名称自身;



find | xargs COMMAND (一个一个处理,找到一个处理一个)


管道是实现 “将前面的标准输出作为后面的标准输入”
xargs是实现 ”将标准输入作为命令的参数“ # echo "--help" | cat --> cat "--help"
# echo "--help" | xargs cat --> cat --help
# find . -perm -7 -print | xargs chmod o-w
# find . -type d -name "*.svn" | xargs rm -rf


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