
Source InSight context 窗口丢失的解决办法

(2010-09-03 13:35:45)


今天早晨改改CLI,上了趟WC,回来发现不知道谁给我弄的,把context 窗口搞没了。我在菜单里面找了半天,也没找到类似视图之类的东西,害的我要看函数,必须jump到函数定义那里,看完再退回来。


Q: My Context Window disappeared and I can’t get it back.

A: This may be caused by a corrupted configuration

You will have to restart Source Insight
without your configuration file.

Run Source Insight, and select Options > Save
Configuration. Check to box at the top that says “All settings”.
Click the Save button.
Note the directory where the Save dialog box
opens.  This is the directory where your
configuration file is normally stored. It will probably be in a
folder such as “My Documents\Source Insight\Settings”. Just cancel
the dialog without saving.
Exit Source Insight.
Go to the folder found in step#2 above, and find the file called
Rename GLOBAL.CF3 to something like OLD.CF3
Run Source Insight again.  All options should be
back to the defaults.
Select Options > Load
Configuration.  Clear the top check box and turn
on all the lower checkboxes except for “Display and
Windows”.   Press the Load button
and select OLD.CF3 to load. This will load all your other settings,
except for the positions of the windows.
After loading OLD.CF3 (minus the “windows” settings), your Context
Window should be back.  We’re sorry for the

Q:我的context 窗口不见了,而且我找不回来。……翻译的好烂

InSight的配置文件损坏了。如果需要解决这个问题,请在没有配置文件的情况下,重新启动Source InSight。

1.Run Source Insight, and select Options > Save
Configuration. Check to box at the top that says “All settings”.
Click the Save button.
运行Source Insight,在options中选择configuration。选中新窗口顶部的“All

2.Note the directory where the Save dialog box
opens.  This is the directory where your
configuration file is normally stored. It will probably be in a
folder such as “My Documents\Source Insight\Settings”. Just cancel
the dialog without saving.
Exit Source Insight.
记住打开的保存对话框的位置,这个位置就是你通常存放配置文件的地方。比如,My Documents\Source
Insight\Settings。然后退出Source Insight。

3.Go to the folder found in step#2 above, and find the file called
Rename GLOBAL.CF3 to something like OLD.CF3

4.Run Source Insight again.  All options should be
back to the defaults.
Select Options > Load
Configuration.  Clear the top check box and turn
on all the lower checkboxes except for “Display and
Windows”.   Press the Load button
and select OLD.CF3 to load. This will load all your other settings,
except for the positions of the windows.
重启Source Insight。这时候,所有的设置应当便会默认的,选择options中的load

5.After loading OLD.CF3 (minus the “windows” settings), your
Context Window should be back.  We’re sorry for
the inconvenience.
在导入OLD.FC3后,Context Window就会出现。对此我们深表歉意。


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