The first step is as good as half over.


If one goes wrong at the first steps, what should he do to correct his life?

Though we always say that it is never too old to learn and it is never too late to turn, sometimes that is merely a consolation for us.

More generally I am not sure I like the sound of all of such consolations.

Because my past experiences told me that once you went wrong or you started later than others at the first steps, it would be impossible, at least, far more difficult, to get back on the right track, or to catch up with others' paces.

Moreover, when it is indeed too late, or there is significant deviation from the right track, we may become anxious and panic, such emotions may make the situation worse.

But then again, if we do nothing to repair the situation, we may lose the chance to get nearer to the right track forever.

My goodness, no one gives a gift to Santa Claus.


For some people, it is happier to give than to receive.

And for most of us, we must give first then we have the possibility to receive.


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