

  1. Triangulation embedding and democratic aggregation for image search (Orals)
  2. Collaborative Hashing (post)
  3. Packing and Padding: Coupled Multi-index for Accurate Image Retrieval (post) technical report
  4. Bayes Merging of Multiple Vocabularies for Scalable Image Retrieval (post) technical report
  5. Fast Supervised Hashing with Decision Trees for High-Dimensional Data (post)
  6. Learning Fine-grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking (post)
  7. Congruency-Based Reranking (post)可能
  8. Fisher and VLAD with FLAIR (post)可能
  9. Locality in Generic Instance Search from One Example (post)
  10. Asymmetric sparse kernel approximations for large-scale visual search (post)
  11. Locally Linear Hashing for Extracting Non-Linear Manifolds (post)
  12. Adaptive Object Retrieval with Kernel Reconstructive Hashing (post)
  13. Hierarchical Feature Hashing for Fast Dimensionality Reduction (post)


  1. Temporal Sequence Modeling For Video Event Detection (Orals)
  2. Visual Semantic Search: Retrieving Videos via Complex Textual Queries (post)


  • Robust Orthonormal Subspace Learning: Efficient Recovery of Corrupted Low-rank Matrices (Orals)

  • Fast and Accurate Image Matching with Cascade Hashing for 3D Reconstruction (Orals)

  • Large-scale Video Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (Orals)

  • Locally Optimized Product Quantization (post)

  • Product Sparse Coding (post)

  • Distance Encoded Product Quantization (post)

  • Covariance descriptors for 3D shape matching and retrieval (post)

  • Turning Mobile Phones into 3D Scanners (post)

  • Linear Ranking Analysis (post)



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