
public class C {

	public int a = 2;

	public void test(int b) {
		int c = 3;
		for (int d = 3; a < 6; a++) {




/** A scope represents an area of visibility in a Java program. The
 *  Scope class is a container for symbols which provides
 *  efficient access to symbols given their names.
 *  Scopes are implemented as hash tables with "open addressing" and "double hashing".
 *  Scopes can be nested; the next field of a scope points
 *  to its next outer scope. Nested scopes can share their hash tables.
public class Scope {

    /** The number of scopes that share this scope's hash table.
    private int shared;

    /** Next enclosing scope (with whom this scope may share a hashtable)
     *  参考博文:https://www.cnblogs.com/extjs4/p/6386572.html
    public Scope next;

    /** The scope's ownerSymbol.
    public Symbol ownerSymbol;

    /** A hash table for the scope's entries.
    Entry[] table;

    /** Mask for hash codes, always equal to (table.length - 1).
    int hashMask;

    /** A linear list that also contains all entries in
     *  reverse order of appearance (i.e later entries are pushed on top).
    public Entry elems;

    /** The number of elements in this scope.
     * This includes deleted elements, whose value is the sentinel.
    int nelems = 0;

    // ...



/** The hash table's initial size.
private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 0x10;

/** A value for the empty scope.
public static final Scope emptyScope = new Scope(null, null, new Entry[]{});

/** Construct a new scope, within scope next, with given owner, using
 *  given table. The table's length must be an exponent of 2.
protected Scope(Scope next, Symbol owner, Entry[] table) {
    this.next = next;
    Assert.check(emptyScope == null || owner != null);
    this.ownerSymbol = owner;
    this.table = table;
    this.hashMask = table.length - 1;

/** Construct a new scope, within scope next, with given owner,
 *  using a fresh table of length INITIAL_SIZE.
public Scope(Symbol owner) {
    this(null, owner, new Entry[INITIAL_SIZE]);



/** Convenience constructor used for dup and dupUnshared. */
private Scope(Scope next, Symbol owner, Entry[] table, int nelems) {
    this(next, owner, table);
    this.nelems = nelems;

/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with same ownerSymbol,
 *  which shares its table with the outer scope. Used in connection with
 *  method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation
 *  of fresh tables.
public Scope dup() {
    return dup(this.ownerSymbol);

/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new ownerSymbol,
 *  which shares its table with the outer scope. Used in connection with
 *  method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation
 *  of fresh tables.
 *  如果范围访问是堆栈式的,则使用方法离开,以避免重新分配新表。
public Scope dup(Symbol newOwner) {
    Scope result = new Scope(this, newOwner, this.table, this.nelems);
    // System.out.println("====> duping scope " + this.hashCode() + " owned by " + newOwner + " to " + result.hashCode());
    // new Error().printStackTrace(System.out);
    return result;



/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with same ownerSymbol,
 *  with a new hash table, whose contents initially are those of
 *  the table of its outer scope.
public Scope dupUnshared() {
    return new Scope(this, this.ownerSymbol, this.table.clone(), this.nelems);


public class Test1 {
    static class Entry{
        int a = 0;
        int[] arr = null;
        public Entry(int a,int[] arr){
            this.a = a;
            this.arr = arr;
        public String toString() {
            return "Entry [a=" + a + ", arr=" + Arrays.toString(arr) + "]";
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Entry[] ens = new Entry[2];
        ens[0] = new Entry(2,new int[]{2,3});

        Entry[] ensC = ens.clone();
        ensC[0].arr[0] = 33;
        ensC[1] =  new Entry(3,new int[]{2,3});




  [Entry [a=2, arr=[33, 3]], null]
  [Entry [a=2, arr=[33, 3]], Entry [a=3, arr=[2, 3]]]  







 /** Next enclosing scope (with whom this scope may share a hashtable)
    public Scope next;




 /** The scope's owner.
    public Symbol owner;



 /** A hash table for the scope's entries.
    Entry[] table;

这个属性比较重要,主要存储了这个Scope作用域内的符号,并且通过"open addressing"和"double hashing"来计算具体的某个Entry存储的位置。看一下Entry中除了存储符号Symbol还存储了哪些信息,定义如下:

/** A class for scope entries.
 * shadowed指针指向桶中的下一个表项,shadowed意为隐蔽之义,sibling指针指向下一个填入哈希表中的表项,和符号的范围scope
public class Entry {

    /** The referenced symbol. 被引用的符号
     *  sym == null   iff(if and only if 当且仅当)   this == sentinel
    public Symbol sym;

    /** An entry with the same hash code, or sentinel.
    public  Entry shadowed;

    /** Next entry in same scope.
    public Entry sibling;

    /** The entry's scope.
     *  scope == null   iff   this == sentinel
     *  for an entry in an import scope, this is the scope where the entry came from (i.e. was imported from).
    public Scope scope;





public class C {

	public int a = 2;
	public void test(int b) {
		int c = 3;
		int d = 4;




public class C {
	public int a = 2;
	public void test() {
		int a = 2;
		class a {}





public class C {

	public int a = 2;
	class a {

	public void a() {





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