Android Studio 1.0 已经放出来了,以后的Android平台开发激昂逐步从Eclipse向Android Studio迁移,为了能不落伍我也特意从Google下载了Android Studio的安装包,并且兴高采烈地创建了我的第一个android项目。但是当运行的时候就他么悲催了。

emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!

妈 妈的,模拟器居然启动不起来!


好吧谁让我特能忍呢,迁移的路注定不会一帆风顺。报错信息告诉我说是 HAXM没有开,可是“HAXM”到底是什么呀?


你也可以在Inter官网下载这个HAXM,当然Android SDK已经集成了这个软件,你需要做的就是找到他,然后安装它就是了。




this computer meets the requirements for haxm but intel virtualization technology(VT-x) is not turned onHAXM cannot be installed until VT-x is enable
please refer to the intel HAXM documentation for more information


Intel VT-x not enabled

In some cases, Intel VT-x may be disabled in the system BIOS and must be enabled within the BIOS setup utility. To access the BIOS setup utility, a key must be pressed during the computer’s boot sequence. This key is dependent on which BIOS is used but it is typically the F2, Delete, or Esc key. Within the BIOS setup utility, Intel VT may be identified by the terms "VT", "Virtualization Technology", or "VT-d." Make sure to enable all of the Virtualization features.

意思是如果安装失败了,那多半是BIOS里面的“Virtualization Technology”选项没有打开,去BIOS里面打开就可以了。


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