Have you ever seen a movie called "Ex Machina"?  I like this movie very much. Artificial intelligence Robot Ava has a robotic body but a very attractive human-looking face, and she's so smart that you could not distinguish she's a human of just a robot.

As you could see in this movie, men could have fun wiith beautiful female robot. But don't forget one thing, female robot is stronger than men and they could kill men easily~

Back to the topic, look at those robtos around you. What could they do for you?  Carry a tray, make coffee, have some foolish chat with you??? So far we can not even design flexible robots that could move and fight just like those in movie Real Steel.

When it comes to AI and Robot, what kind of killing application we need?  My suggestion is "AI Bomb Disposal Robot" and I call him "X". X is not remote controlled by human, and he could evaluate what kind of bomb it is.  X could defuse bomb successfully rather than explode it.

Of course X learns to know what is C4,  Ammonium nitrate bomb, or Mercury bomb etc and how to take care of it. So men don't have to put himself under the risk of explosion and innocent people won't die.


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