Note: Not Stable, so steps below are for reference only


Linux Configuration NFS Share

1. Configure share on Linux as below

bash-3.2$ more /etc/exports
/ptc  * (sync,ro)

sudo service nfs start/stop

sudo service portmap start/stop

2. Install NFS Client on Windows

  • Control Panel -> Programs and Feasutres > Enable Services for NFS

Administrative Tools

Client for NFS

  • Result:

1. shortcut - 'Services for Network File System' under "Administrative Tools"

2. commands

  mount.exe, unmount.exe, showmount.exe under <Windows>/system32

Windows Service: Client for NFS

3. Usage

1.Check the share from NFS Server

showmount -e <NFS Server Name>

2. Mount

mount [–o Options] ComputerName:\ShareName {DeviceName | *}
mount [–o Options] \\ComputerName\ShareName {DeviceName | *}

\\ComputerName\ShareName in File Explorer Address Bar.

4. Problems

1. Cannot start Windows Service: Client for NFS

    • Error in Event Viewer

  Windows(R) failed a request to initialize the Network File System (NFS) redirector<[d:\w7rtm\base\fs\remotefs\nfs\client\nfsclient\service.c:199] : 0: The operation completed successfully.

    • Root Cause

      • Previous Service stop has problem
    • Solution
      • Stop NfsRdr firstly via sc stop NfsRdr then restart Service via nfsadmin client start

2. No permission

    • Configure registry as below:

      • Replace the real value as NFS Server uid and gid


nfsadmin start client


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