解决nginx: [emerg] directive "rewrite" is not terminated by ";"

rewrite "^\/rny\/webface\/mailApps\/(.*)(\/\d{6,})(.*)$" /webface/mailapps/dev/$1$3

[root@localhost riadev]# echo "/rny/webface/mailApps/xxx/dfdffd/123456_abc.js"|grep -oP "^/rny/webface/mailApps/(.*?)/"

[root@localhost riadev]# echo "/rny/webface/mailApps/xxx/dfdffd/123456_abc.js"|grep -oP "^/rny/webface/mailApps/(.*)/"

[root@localhost riadev]# echo "/rny/webface/mailApps/xxx/dfdffd/123456abc.js"|grep -oP "^/rny/webface/mailApps/(.*)/(\d{6,})(.*)"
这个时候的$1和$3分别是xxx/dfdffd 和 abc.js

rewrite "^\/rny\/webface\/mailApps\/(.*)(\/\d{6,})(.*)$" /webface/mailapps/dev/$1$3
会把/rny/webface/mailApps/xxx/dfdffd/123456abc.js 匹配到 /webface/mailapps/dev/xxx/dfdffd/abc.js


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